Within the Department of Pathology of the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences (UAMS), we offer a fully-accredited, one-year fellowship program in Forensic Pathology at the Arkansas State Crime Laboratory (ASCL) facility. The ASCL Faculty and staff serve Arkansas’ 75 counties in collaboration with county coroners to provide medicolegal death investigation and autopsy services as the State Medical Examiner. Fellows will work alongside seven forensic pathologists, including a board-certified neuropathologist. The Medical Examiner Section is equipped with five autopsy stations along with in-house radiology equipment (including a Lodox® radiographic scanner). In-house histology and forensic toxicology services are provided. Alongside the Medical Examiner Section within the Crime Laboratory building are multiple forensic science subspecialty sections, including CODIS, Digital Evidence, Firearms, Forensic Chemistry, Forensic DNA, Latent Prints, Physical Evidence, and Toxicology.
Together, our ASCL Faculty and staff, UAMS faculty, and partnerships with nearby specialists allow us to scientifically investigate a high volume of deaths, offering high quality examinations to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the community we serve. Our fellow will have regular opportunities to teach UAMS medical students and pathology residents, and present at multi-agency community child death and maternal death review meetings. Additionally, our fellow will have the opportunity to respond to death scenes for hands-on experience in crime scene investigation in conjunction with the Pulaski County Coroner.
Mission Statement
As the medical examiner and forensic crime service for the state of Arkansas, the mission of the Forensic Pathology Fellowship Program is to improve the health and well-being of Arkansans and others in the neighboring regions and nation. Aligned with the overall UAMS mission, the mission of our Forensic Pathology Fellowship program is to educate and prepare professional, board qualified forensic pathologists capable of delivering competent, independent forensic services to their communities and the wide spectrum of families they serve. Our program graduates fellows who have confidence and expertise to enter the profession as leaders in medicolegal death investigation and autopsy services, whether it be in an academic, government, or private setting.
Fellows are required to be board-eligible or board-certified after having completed an anatomic pathology or a combined anatomic and clinical pathology residency program and must be eligible for medical licensure in the State of Arkansas.
For the 2024-2025 academic year, please send a curriculum vitae, a personal statement including career goals, and three letters of recommendation (a formal application is not required) to Dr. Brown, Dr. Tubre, and Interim Fellowship Coordinator Renee Baldwin.
For the 2025-2026 academic year, the fellowship program will be participating in the NRMP Forensic Pathology Fellowship Match. Please contact Dr. Brown, Dr. Tubre, and Interim Fellowship Coordinator Renee Baldwin for additional information.
Contact Us
- Theodore Brown, M.D., Program Director: tbrown4@uams.edu
- Teddi Tubre, M.D., Associate Program Director: teddi.tubre@dps.arkansas.gov
- Donna Kaye Miller, Fellowship Coordinator: DKMiller@uams.edu