Pediatrics Promotion and Tenure Program
The mission of the Office of Faculty Mentoring, Promotion and Tenure is to support, facilitate and ensure the successful promotion of all Department of Pediatrics faculty members.
Our DOP Faculty Mentoring Program helps support our Promotion and Tenure (P&T) Program by providing biannual evaluations, written reviews and recommendations to guide and mentor faculty to be ready for timely promotion. The “Template” for the Mentoring Committee Minutes directly aligns with the UAMS P&T Guidelines.
The Pediatrics Promotion and Tenure Committee chaired by Dr. Joan Cranmer consists of 20 Professors representing all different pathways: Clinical Attending, Clinical Educator, Clinician Scientist and Basic Scientist. The P&T committee reviews all faculty going forward for promotion a year early in order to ensure successful packets are submitted to the College of Medicine.
We provide P&T Workshops and individual training to help faculty understand the P&T process and achieve their career goals.
We maintain a concise, detailed P&T Handbook, Online Sample Packets, and other helpful documents via the Pediatrics Compoint page
Our goal is to continue to have a 100% success rate for faculty members going up for Promotion and/or Tenure review by the College of Medicine!
Contact the Office of Faculty Mentoring, Promotion and Tenure
Joan M. Cranmer, Ph.D. – Professor and Chair, Pediatrics Promotion and Tenure Committee, or 501-364-2986
Jenny Kubacak, Administrative Coordinator, Office of Faculty Affairs, or 501-364-2987