General Pediatrics Wins Quality Award
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The Section of General Pediatrics, located at Arkansas Children’s Hospital, is one of the largest divisions within the Department of Pediatrics. As the largest academic practice in Arkansas, we provide skilled, compassionate care to patients with common pediatric problems and complicated chronic conditions. We take great pride in being one of the National Committee for Quality Assurance certified programs in the state and country.
We have a diverse group of experienced faculty, nurse practitioners and staff who are skilled in delivering evidence-based clinical care, education, advocacy, quality improvement and service to patients all over the state. Providers in the section also have expertise in ADHD, Autism, Asthma and High-Risk Newborn care.
Our training program strives to prepare trainees for the changing milieu of general pediatrics. We take great pride in training our residents to put the patient first through our Patient-Centered Medical Home program. We provide a well-rounded curriculum that emphasizes effective physician-patient communication skills and empathy. Our program has a robust outpatient curriculum that helps lay a solid foundation for the pediatricians in training and preparing them to provide the best care in the state of Arkansas and in the country.
We are a large group of Pediatricians from diverse backgrounds with a desire to teach, care and work together to improve the lives of children and provide guidance to families to care for their children.
Some of our faculty are strictly clinicians and others are educators. We have a highly competent group of nurse practitioners who work alongside our physicians to provide service to our patients.
The mission of the general pediatrics is threefold: to provide acute and continuity of care for all children who need quality medical intervention, to teach pediatricians-in-training, and to provide a setting for clinical research and quality improvement. Our core values of empathy, advocacy, integrity, teamwork, innovation, diversity, and inclusion help us in achieving our goals of better integrated and accessible healthcare for all.
Please reach out to our office manager if you would like more information or have other questions.
Sowmya Patil, MBBS, M.D., FAAP
Section Chief of General Pediatrics
Professor of Pediatrics
Course Director Practice of Medicine II