The pediatric Rheumatology Section at the University of Arkansas for Medical
Sciences (UAMS) located at Arkansas Children’s Hospital (ACH) strives to
provide cutting-edge clinical care to children with inflammatory diseases such
as Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, and Juvenile
Dermatomyositis as well as a variety of other collagen vascular diseases.

The faculty is actively involved in teaching medical students, pediatric residents, and adult rheumatology fellows. They are often called on to give lectures statewide as well as nationally. The section is also research-driven. Physician investigators and researchers are involved in multiple clinical trials on a national and international level. These trials are of vital importance as advances continue to be made in the treatment of these complicated diseases. It is essential that pediatric trials are conducted by those experienced in caring for children to assure the safety and well-being of the trial participants and to ultimately gain access to new therapies for children.