Program Purpose
The purpose of the Bridging/Interim Funding program is to minimize the adverse effects of a lapse in external funding by providing productive scientists with temporary funding. This grant mechanism will support investigator-initiated research conducted by faculty in the UAMS COM.
Eligibility Requirements
Open only to current UAMS COM faculty with a major grant (e.g. R01, etc.) of at least 4 years duration, which is funded by a federal agency or private foundation paying at or near the full F & A rate. Extramural funding must have expired less than 12 months from the submission date, but applications can be submitted before the expiration of prior funding, although not before an investigator has learned that a renewal will not be funded. Applicants requesting bridge funding for non-NIH funded projects must contact the Office of Research for guidance.
*** Please be advised faculty can submit one project to each grant opportunity. ***
Key Dates
Application Due Date: Year round
Award Date: As soon as review is complete and a decision is made.
Award Information
The funding is provided by the Barton Endowment and administered by the College of Medicine, Office of Research. The COM Research Council reviews applications and submits its recommendation to the COM Executive Associate Dean for Research. The COM Executive Associate Dean makes final funding decisions.
Award Budget
$45,000 maximum.
Award Project Period
Twelve months maximum. All funds must be expended by the end of the project period. Carryforward and extensions are not allowed. Unspent funds must be returned to the funding endowment if the extramural grant is funded prior to the end date of the bridge award.