Rotations | Conferences and Curriculum | Appreciative Inquiry
Our training program rotations are divided into three groups: fundamental clinical skill rotations, selective rotations, and elective rotations.
Fundamental Clinical Skill Rotations
Five months of training will be chosen from our fundamental clinical skill rotations. Our program is sponsored by Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine. These are fundamental clinical skill rotations as well as a rotation in Ambulatory Care.
Selective Rotations
Two months are spent in selective rotations in fundamental clinical skill areas.
Selective 1: Pediatric Wards, General Surgery, IM Wards
Selective 2: Ob/Gyn, IM Wards, General Surgery, Emergency Medicine, Pediatric Combined Outpatient, Pediatric Wards
Elective Rotations
The five remaining months are elective rotations.
Electives: Anesthesiology, Geriatrics, IM Subspecialty, Neurology, Ob/Gyn, Orthopedics, Palliative Care, Pediatric Combined Outpatient, Pediatric Outpatient Adolescent Medicine, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Psychiatry, Radiology, Research
Conferences and Curriculum
Didactic Education Sessions
While on clinical rotation (required FCS, selective FCS, and electives), you are required to attend that service’s/department’s didactic sessions. These include (but not limited to) such things as Grand Rounds, Weekly Seminar, Morning Report, Journal Club, Case Conference, Morbidity and Mortality Conference, and CQI Conferences. Your attendance at these conferences will be monitored. You should check with your upper level resident for the service at the beginning of each clinical rotation for the didactic/conference schedule.
Transitional Year Didactic Education Sessions
As a group, you will be excused from clinical duties to meet with your PD monthly—the last Tuesday of each month, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Each month will feature a different educational topic with the year’s curriculum covering a number of clinical and professional development topics. In addition, this is an opportunity to share your experiences, discuss issues that need to be addressed and enjoy each other’s company. These meetings are required unless you have been excused by program leadership. Attendance is monitored.
Quality Improvement/Patient Safety Educational Curriculum
Although you will receive QI/PS training on rotations throughout the year, we have three requirements designed to give you the tools and experience to incorporate this practice throughout your career.
Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative Inquiry can be described as an approach which draws from positive psychology and storytelling, to create an “alignment of strengths” that render weaknesses irrelevant (Druker in TEDx Talks, 2014), hence empowering individuals and facilitate the resolution of given problems to enact desired change. During each tri-annual review, the program director will verbally discuss and review the resident’s appreciate inquiry regarding where they stand on their goals and future plans.
Steps of the appreciative inquiry are below:
- Define – What is my desired outcome?
- Discovery – What are my strengths?
- Dream – What would work well in the future to make this happen?
- Design – What action do I need to take to make it happen?
- Deploy – Taking the action.