Partnerships and Pipeline Programs
- UAMS Academic Pathways and Workforce Partnerships offers many partnerships and pipeline programs
- UAMS Pathology provides pathology experiences for a wide variety of students:
- We annually reserve one position in our pathology summer preceptorship program (for medical students who have finished their M1 year) for a student from groups underrepresented in medicine.
- We partner with the UAMS Medical Scholars in Public Health Program to mentor underrepresented in medicine students interested in pursuing medical school and hopefully recruit some into pathology.
- Postbaccalaureate Pre-Med Program: The Medical Scholars in Public Health (MSPH) Postbaccalaureate Program is an educational bridge for Arkansas residents who come from socially, economically, or geographically disadvantaged backgrounds and who have faced challenges in the medical school admissions process. Several Department of Pathology faculty members volunteer as mentors for the MSPH program.