Medical Informatics Specialty Leadership (MISL) Program
The MISL Program is a provider-led initiative that cultivates clinician engagement and leadership in medical informatics activities. The MISL program aims to ensure that informatics and technology tools systems support HIT system usability, clinical decision-making, as well as the improvement of the quality and safety of care at the medical subspecialty level. MISLs have dedicated their precious time to learning and contributing to the continuous advancement of care delivery using health informatics and technology.
MISL Faculty Members

Professor of Pediatrics

Associate Professor, Pediatrics

James H. Hamlin II Endowed Chair in Pediatric Endocrinology
Professor of Pediatrics

Associate Professor

Associate Professor of Pediatrics

Medical Director, Intermediate Care Unit

Medical Director, Sickle Cell Disease Program
Medical Director, THRIVE (Survivorship) Program
Associate Professor of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

Electronic Health Record Provider Builder Program
The Electronic Health Record (EHR) Provider Builder Program aims to increase provider involvement in the ongoing optimization of the EHR system. Provider Builders (PB) undergo rigorous training in EHR configuration and design and have received certification from the EHR vendor’s training program. Our PBs are partnered with Information Services Analysts and they work together to optimize and improve the usability and accuracy of the EHR. The PBs contribute their clinical and informatics expertise throughout all the phases of the EHR development, from the design, build, testing, production and maintenance of specific informatics project artifacts.

Walmart Endowed Chair in Neonatology
Professor of Pediatrics