Didactics and Education

Poster presentations
Pediatric Anesthesiology Educational Series
Protected time dedicated strictly to fellows’ education through lectures, interactive tutorials and problem-based learning
Pediatric Anesthesiology Grand Rounds and M & Ms
Speakers include faculty from within the department as well as, renowned Pediatric Anesthesia leaders from around the country. Each of these sessions provide Category 1, CME credits.
Anesthesiology Professional Grand Rounds
Once a month
Invited guest speakers address topics involving career development and professionalism.
Fundamentals of Clinical Research
Graduate-level curriculum focusing on the basics of clinical research.
Educational Multi-Disciplinary Fellow Noon Conference
Once a month
Multi-departmental fellow educational conference held to address various topics like wellness, evidence-based medicine and research opportunities.
Oral Board Review Course
A 12-week intense review course tailored towards oral board examination.
Hands-on and immersive educational interactions in a controlled fashion including High Fidelity Simulations, standards patients, skill labs, and In-situ stimulations.
Journal Club
Every other Month
Interactive discussions on research articles within the field of pediatric anesthesia.
Additional Didactic Activities
Mock Orals
- Cardiac Cath Conference
- Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Simulations
- Pediatric Anesthesia Certification Exam Preparation
- Quality Improvement (QI) Curriculum
- Wellness Curriculum
- Child Maltreatment Curriculum