Dr. Karaduta was awarded with the Travel Award from American Heart Association to visit the BCVS 2018 Scientific Sessions in San Antonio, TX, where he presented a poster “Possible Influence of Resistant Starch diet on atherosclerosis in the presence of chronic kidney disease”
Department News
Two Ph.D. Graduates Head to Post-docs at Emory
Two Ph.D. students in the spring graduating class of the UAMS Graduate School have accepted positions at Emory University in Atlanta to continue their postdoctoral work.
“They will join other UAMS alumni at Emory for us to have a strong presence there,” said Robert E. McGehee Jr., Ph.D., dean of the UAMS Graduate School. “We’re proud of the accomplishments of these students and look forward to following the course of their promising careers.”
Kimberly Cooney completed the Graduate Program in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences program at UAMS and participated in the Initiative for Maximizing Student Development(IMSD) program, which aims to increase the number of students from underrepresented groups graduating with doctorates in the biomedical sciences.
At Emory University, she’ll be working in the College of Medicine studying cardiovascular disease and its role in upregulating inflammatory signaling pathways. During her tenure at UAMS, she was mentored by Giulia Baldini, M.D., Ph.D., where her studies focused on the function and trafficking of the Melanocortin-4 Receptor, a receptor that influences appetite regulation and energy expenditure. That experience helped her discover her passion for obesity research and other areas that can directly impact her community.
“I can see the work I did at UAMS translating later and I want to continue doing relevant research, particularly in areas of health disparities,” Cooney said.
Cooney’s ultimate career goal is to establish a lab, possibly in an academic setting, that focuses on clinical research while mentoring other minority students in STEM areas.
Johnasha Stuart, who is also an IMSD scholar, conducted her graduate studies and training in the Microbiology and Immunology Department with Karl Boehme, Ph.D., at UAMS. At Emory, she will be working with Arash Grakoui, Ph.D., on Hepatitis C virus pathogenesis and its involvement with the immune system and how contribution to liver disease.
“At UAMS, I have already had the experience of working in a virology lab, which has given me a good basis for my next step,” Stuart said.
Stuart also credited the Graduate Student Teachers of Central Arkansas for providing her with opportunities to advance her teaching experience and achieve her career goals.
“My goal is to become an independent researcher and educator so that I can use my research as a platform to educate and encourage students to pursue careers in biomedical research,” Stuart said.
By Amy Widner | June 11th, 2018 |
Congratulations to our 2018 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Ph.D. graduates!

Kimberly Cooney, Ph.D., Trey Lowry, M.D./Ph.D., Kirk West, Ph.D., and Wezley Griffin, Ph.D. after graduation on May 21, 2018 at Verizon Arena.

Kimberly Cooney, Ph.D. Major Advidor: Giulia Baldini, M.D.,Ph.D. Currently a post-doc at Emory University

Wezley Griffin, Ph.D. Major Advisor: Kevin Raney, Ph.D. Currently a post-doc at Baylor University

Kirk West, Ph.D. Major Advisor: Alan Tackett, Ph.D. Currently a post-doc at UAMS
Oleg Karaduta received travel scholarship to attend scientific meeting in Riva del Garda, Italy
Dr. Karaduta from Dr. Zybaylov’s lab received travel scholarship to represent UAMS at International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography meeting in Riva del Garda, Italy. During the section dedicated to Mass Spectrometry he presented a poster “Evaluation of Resistant Starch action on microbiome in 5/6 nephrectomy model of Chronic Kidney Disease”.
Brian Koss wins Miltenyi Biotec’s Immuno-Oncology Innovation Award
Brian Koss is the official winner of Miltenyi Biotec’s Immuno-Oncology Innovation Award! There were well over 100 applicants for the award, but Brian’s abstract and scientific endeavors stood out amongst the rest. Brian received paid registration, airfare and hotel accommodations to this year’s American Association for Cancer Research conference in Chicago, as well as 2000 euros worth of reagents to help advance his research
Brian Koss is a third year PhD student working in the laboratory of Dr. Alan Tackett. Brian’s research focuses on identifying new approaches to combat the metabolic suppression of an immune response in solid tumors. More specifically, Brian’s works aims to mechanistically define epigenetically controlled metabolic stress responses during tumor infiltration. The identification of these mechanisms and demonstration of proof of principle therapies will set the stage for the next generation of cellular therapies.
Alicja Urbaniak wins poster award at ASPET meeting
Alicja Urbaniak, a postdoc in the lab of Timothy Chambers, won second place in the Postdoctoral Category poster competition in the Division of Drug Discovery and Development, acknowledged by American Society of Pharmaceutical Therapeutics (ASPET) during Experimental Biology 2018 Meeting (EB 2018), San Diego, USA. Congratulations Alicja!
Student Research Day 2018
Congratulations to these Biochemistry students for their excellent performance UAMS Student Research Day.
Magdalena Delgado – 3rd place in graduate student division;
Alicja Urbaniak – 2nd place in postdoc division;
Magda Delgado tied with Brian Koss – 1st place for Bhuvan award for excellence in biochemistry research;
Kirk West – 2nd place place for Bhuvan award for excellence in biochemistry research;
Binyan Belachew – 3rd place place for Bhuvan award for excellence in biochemistry research
Magda Delgado featured in JoVE video
Magda Delgado, a third year Ph.D. student in the laboratory of Dr. Tim Chambers, demonstrates in a JoVE video the preparation of primary acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells in different cell cycle phases by centrifugal elutriation. The video can be viewed here.
NIH Awards $11.5 Million to Arkansas Children’s Research Institute to Establish Unique Pediatric Research Center
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded $11.5 million to the Arkansas Children’s Research Institute (ACRI) to develop the Center for Translational Pediatric Research (CTPR). The award is the largest-ever grant award that ACRI has received from NIH. Under the direction of Alan Tackett, PhD, the center will result in new treatments and therapies developed specifically for children.
Dr. Tackett, an ACRI expert in systems biology, is the Scharlau Family Endowed Professor of Cancer Research and a professor of Biochemistry, Pediatrics and Pathology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS).
The Center for Translational Pediatric Research at ACRI will use state-of-the-art technology and a systems biology approach to study how pediatric diseases develop, with the ultimate goal of identifying points in the intersection of disease and development that will produce targets for therapeutic intervention and the development of new treatments for children.
Systems biology is a holistic approach that enables researchers to simultaneously study all of the events occurring in a cell that are leading to a particular outcome or disease.
“Historically, science has answered one question at a time,” Dr. Tackett said. “By employing a more comprehensive systems biology approach, we can ask many questions at the same time, which allows us to more quickly understand the fundamental reasons that a disease is occurring and how to more specifically develop treatments.
“To my knowledge, there is not a pediatric research center in the U.S. and probably in the world that focuses on utilizing these specific approaches. In that way, we are uniquely positioned to develop ways to improve children’s health in Arkansas and our nation.”
The NIH Institutional Development Award (IDeA) program will fund the CTPR as one of NIH’s prestigious Centers of Biological Research Excellence (COBRE). These grants create world-class research environments for young faculty who are identified as the next generation of excellence in research. The awards focus on building research in states that have historically had low levels of NIH funding. This first phase of COBRE funding will start in July of 2017 and last five years. A total of 15 years of funding is available through this federal program, and Tackett’s award is the second COBRE grant ACRI has received from NIH in the last year.
“This award is a promise to the children of Arkansas that we will create a healthier tomorrow specifically for them,” said Gregory Kearns, PharmD, PhD, FAAP, president of ACRI and Arkansas Children’s senior vice president/chief research officer. He is also the Ross & Mary Whipple Family Distinguished Research Scientist Endowed Chair and a professor of Pediatrics at UAMS. “NIH sees that we have the potential to create a transformational center that will improve children’s lives directly where they live, learn and play.”
Dr. Tackett will serve as director of the CTPR and Sonet Weed, MS, will oversee the administration of the grant. The junior faculty that were selected to seed this center include:
- Jason Farrar, UAMS assistant professor of Pediatrics
- Xiawei Ou, PhD, UAMS assistant professor of Radiology and Pediatrics
- Laxmi Yeruva, PhD, UAMS assistant professor of Pediatrics
- Boris Zybailov, PhD, UAMS assistant professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Their research focuses on pediatric blood disorders, infant brain development in obese mothers, immune system development in breastfed infants, and pediatric chronic kidney disease – respectively.
All-in-all, the Center for Translational Pediatric Research will support 30 faculty – making it one of the largest centers of its kind. Located at ACRI, the CTPR will also partner with the Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center and UAMS and its Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute. The cutting-edge research technology investment will create discoveries in proteomics, genomics, and bioinformatics – overseen by:
- Rick Emondson, PhD, UAMS associate professor of Medicine
- Samuel Mackintosh, PhD, UAMS research assistant professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- Stewart MacLeod, PhD, UAMS assistant professor of Pediatrics
- Stephanie Byrum, PhD, UAMS research assistant professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- Galina Glazko, PhD, UAMS assistant professor of Biomedical Informatics
Arkansas Children’s, Inc. is the only health system in the state solely dedicated to caring for children, which allows the organization to uniquely shape the landscape of pediatric care in Arkansas. The system includes a 359-bed hospital in Little Rock with the state’s only pediatric Level 1 trauma center, burn center, Level 4 neonatal intensive care and pediatric intensive care, and research institute as well as a nationally-recognized transport service. It is one of the 25 largest children’s hospitals in the United States and is nationally ranked by U.S. News World & Report in pulmonology and neonatal care. A sister campus is under development in Northwest Arkansas and will bring 233,613 square feet of inpatient beds, emergency care, clinic rooms and diagnostic services to children in that corner of the state. Arkansas Children’s also blankets the state with outreach programs that include telemedicine, mobile health, and school-based health solutions. A private not-for-profit, Arkansas Children’s boasts an internationally renowned reputation for medical breakthroughs and intensive treatments, unique surgical procedures and forward-thinking research and is committed to providing every child with access to the best care available, regardless of location or resources. Founded as an orphanage, Arkansas Children’s has championed children by making them better today and healthier tomorrow for more than 100 years. For more info, visit archildrens.org.
ACRI is a free-standing state-of-the-art pediatric research center which provides a research environment on the ACH campus to foster research and scholarship of faculty members of University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences who are investigating questions relative to development, disease and treatment as it relates to the health of infants, children and adolescents. Physician and biomedical scientist investigators at ACRI and the Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center (ACNC) conduct clinical, basic science, and health services research for the purpose of treating illnesses and preventing disease and thereby, improving the health of the children of Arkansas and beyond.
UAMS is the state’s only health sciences university, with colleges of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Health Professions and Public Health; a graduate school; a hospital; a northwest Arkansas regional campus; a statewide network of regional centers; and seven institutes: the Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute, the Jackson T. Stephens Spine & Neurosciences Institute, the Myeloma Institute, the Harvey & Bernice Jones Eye Institute, the Psychiatric Research Institute, the Donald W. Reynolds Institute on Aging and the Translational Research Institute. It is the only adult Level 1 trauma center in the state. UAMS has 2,870 students, 799 medical residents and five dental residents. It is the state’s largest public employer with more than 10,000 employees, including about 1,200 physicians who provide care to patients at UAMS and its regional campuses throughout the state, Arkansas Children’s Hospital, the VA Medical Center and Baptist Health.
Congratulations to our 2017 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Ph.D. graduates!
2017 Biochemistry graduates

Kevin Raney, Ph.D., Alan Tackett, Ph.D., Zach Waldrip, Ph.D., Maroof Zafar, Ph.D., and Robert Eoff, Ph.D. after graduation on May 20, 2017 at Verizon Arena.

Maroof Zafar, Ph.D. Major Advisor: Robert Eoff, Ph.D. Currently a post-doc at Vanderbilt University

Zachary Waldrip, Ph.D. Major Advisors: Alan Tackett, Ph.D. and Kevin Raney, Ph.D. Currently a post-doc in the laboratory or Drs. Lyle and Marie Burdine, UAMS