As a Guest Editor for JoVE, Dr. Stephanie Byrum is organizing a Methods Collection titled “Cutting-edge technologies driving quantitative mass spectrometry“.
JoVE is the leading peer-reviewed scientific methods video journal, aimed at increasing the visibility and reproducibility of research. JoVE’s team takes care of the entire process of filming and producing your video.
This Methods Collection will be the definitive record of quantitative mass spectrometry and bioinformatics techniques and set the standard for reproducibility within the community. The collection will cover advanced experimental approaches in the field.
Once complete, this collection will be distributed to a comprehensive list of researchers who are active in the field. This will promote collaboration among researchers in the community and facilitate wider adoption of innovative methodologies.
This collection will be the go-to resource for methods in the field for years to come.
If you are interested in contributing, please submit an abstract of a maximum 300 words by February 15, 2021. The full-length manuscript should be submitted by April 15, 2021.