Congratulations to the Chambers lab for their recent publication of two manuscripts.

Synthesis, antiproliferative activity and molecular docking of thiocolchicine urethanes
U Majcher, A Urbaniak, E May, M Moshari, M Delgado, J Wietrzyk, F Barti, T Chambers, J Tuszynski, A Huczynski
Microtubules play an essential role in the survival of primary acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells advancing through G1 phase
Magdalena Delgado & Timothy C. Chambers
Congratulations to the Miller lab on their recent publication.

Dustyn A. Barnette, Mary A. Davis, Na L. Dang, Anirudh S. Pidugu, Tyler Hughes, S. Joshua Swamidass, Gunnar Boysen, and Grover P. Miller
Congratulations to the Raney lab on their recent manuscript.

Pif1 helicase unfolding of G-quadruplex DNA is highly dependent on sequence and reaction conditions.
Alicia K. Byrd, Matthew R. Bell, and Kevin D. Raney