Students and postdocs from across campus participated in the 2019 Student Research Day poster presentations on March 12th. Numerous award winners are affiliated with the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology department. The Bhuvan Award is given to the project which makes the best use of biochemistry. Andrea Edwards (Raney lab), Duah Alkam (Ussery and Smeltzer labs) and Joseph Rom (Smeltzer lab) were the winners. Zach Waldrip (Burdine lab) and Alicja Urbaniak (Chambers lab) earned the top two prizes in the post-doctoral category and Zach also won the best poster overall. Congratulations to all!

Andrea Edwards, 1st place Bhuvan Award

Duah Alkam, 2nd place Bhuvan Award

Joseph Rom, 3rd place Bhuvan Award

Dr. Zach Waldrip, 1st place postdoctoral category and 1st place overall

Dr. Alicja Urbaniak, 2nd place post-doctoral category