Congratulations to Wayne P. Wahls, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Dr. Wahls was awarded the 2023 Chancellor’s Award of Excellence for Scholarship. In presenting this award, UAMS Chancellor Cam Patterson highlighted sustained contributions to laboratory research, educational research and interdisciplinary team science. Dr. Wahls’ research on meiotic chromosome dynamics has established several new paradigms for a fundamental biological process that is used by almost all eukaryotes, including humans. His discoveries have provided important insight into genome dynamics, causes of congenital birth defects, and the evolution of species. Dr. Wahls’ research on science funding policy has revealed causes and consequences of vast disparities in allocations of NIH grant funding among institutions and states. “Credit for this award should be given to the talented students, trainees, technicians and colleagues who have contributed to my research program,” said Dr. Wahls. “Their insight has guided my thinking and their research efforts have fueled each of our new discoveries.”