The Arkansas Neurological Society Comprehensive Neurology Update is designed to provide a review of the updates in the latest scientific advances for diagnosis and management in the sub-specialties or fields of clinical Neurology. Lectures and presentations are given by Arkansas Neurologists that are leading the state in the evaluation and management of various Neurological subspecialties to empower Neurologists with recent advances in knowledge of management of these disorders across the state. Sessions will include didactic lectures, as well as Q&A panel presented in an interactive format.
Exhibit fees
Gold supporter
- Exhibit table with two chairs
- Your company logo featured on digital marketing and signage
- Acknowledgement in the printed course materials
- List of conference participants (will only include attendees that opt-in)
- Inclusion of your logo on the website
- Registration for representatives to attend for CE’s, as well as breakfast, lunch, and breaks. Must complete registration form.
Silver supporter
- Exhibit table with two chairs
- Acknowledgement in the printed course materials
- List of conference participants (will only include attendees that opt-in)
- Inclusion of your logo on the website
- Registration for representatives to attend for CE’s, as well as breakfast, lunch, and breaks. Must complete registration form.
Exhibitor Contact
Please reach us at ans@uams.edu to inquire about available exhibitor opportunities and request an exhibitor form.