Undergraduate: Arkansas State University
Medical School: NYITCOM at Arkansas State University
Favorite Aspects of Pathology: I genuinely enjoy it all but if I had to narrow it down to a few I would say GI/Liver and cytopathology.
Outside of Medicine: I am a husband and father to two boys and one girl! I’m a huge sports fan and play multiple sports (Baseball, Basketball, Tennis). When the weather permits, I love to kayak/canoe. When the house is quiet enough, I enjoy reading as well, especially the classics.
Why I like UAMS Pathology: As an Arkansas native, I knew that I preferred to remain in my home state for this phase of my training. I am very fortunate to know several physicians that trained here at UAMS that are excellent pathologists in many different subspecialities. The faculty and residents have also been fantastic from the moment we met. UAMS Pathology was/is the perfect combination of excellence in education/training, geography, and collegiality for myself and my family.

Favorite Activity in Arkansas: Razorback Football (Woo Pig!)
Favorite Restaraunt(s) in LR: Big Orange Burger, Three Fold Noodle Company, Local Lime
If I weren’t a Pathologist: High School Baseball Coach