Undergraduate: University of Central Florida
Medical School: University of South Alabama
Favorite Aspects of Pathology: As an entering PGY-1 who can mainly only base her experiences on observation, I still find almost everything interesting. I think as training goes and I have the opportunity to get my hands dirty (work in the roles) those interests will become more refined.
Outside of Medicine: I have a husky, and if you are familiar with the breed, then you know a tired dog is a good dog! I love doing outdoor activities with him as well as cycling.
Why I Like UAMS Pathology: While I was picking programs to send applications to on ERAS, I had a chance encounter at the dog park with a Pathology PA who worked in AR and only recently moved to AL. After that very fortunately timed encounter, UAMS was added to my list of programs I hoped to interview. During the interviews and afterward, with Mrs. Pollnow’s handwritten thank you note, the culture of support in the program became very evident. I felt strongly I could thrive here and be an asset to the team. When I started comparing other programs to UAMS, I knew how to make my rank list.
Favorite Activity in Arkansas: To be determined but likely it will be something outdoors
Favorite Restaurant in Little Rock: Also to be determined with time, but I look forward to figuring it out!
If I weren’t a pathologist, I would be: Lost, okay maybe not lost, but if I was going to go into another type of medicine I would have considered surgery.