Residents and fellows are key elements of Quality Improvement (QI) education. In addition to preparing trainees to become leaders in QI who can continue to make ongoing, effective improvements in medicine and patient care throughout their careers, this program allows our learners to see an immediate impact in the valuable work they do as residents, every day, in every setting. We know that medical students, residents, and fellows are our future faculty and colleagues, and strong exposure and training in quality improvement should start early.

Starting with academic year 2022-23, the pediatrics residency program is embarking on a residency-wide QI project that is planned, designed and implemented by the residents. Punctuated by three QI-oriented Academic Half-Days which are mentored by physician QI experts and colleagues in our Quality Department, the residents brainstorm a problem statement, create a SMART aim, and develop a key driver diagram. Throughout the year, a core group of QI leaders implements the project, and disseminates PDSA cycles, data and follow-up information to the residents. and learning the nuts and bolts of QI through hands-on work.
The goals of this program are:
- Learn the fundamentals of QI methodology
- Implement a longitudinal QI project
- Learning to write a scientific abstract and manuscript
- Communicate your findings
This unique, practical experience prepares our residents for ongoing QI work no matter where their careers take them – a path that will help make our patients better today and healthier tomorrow.