Welcome from the Chief
“Clinical informaticians transform health care by analyzing, designing, implementing, and evaluating information and communication systems that enhance individual and population health outcomes, improve patient care, and strengthen the clinician-patient relationship” Gardner et al. JAMIA 2009 Mar-Apr;16(2):153-7

Feliciano “Pele” Yu, M.D.
Welcome to the Section of Clinical Informatics! My name is Feliciano “Pele” Yu, Jr., M.D., M.S., and I am the section chief of clinical informatics in the Department of Pediatrics at UAMS. Our section was established on January 1, 2020, making us one of the Department of Pediatrics’ newest sections. Our mission is to advance the academic endeavors, practical efforts, and the science/research of the Clinical Informatics medical subspecialty.
We are integrated with clinical, informatic and technology stakeholders to lead, contribute and participate in the procurement, customization, development, implementation, management, evaluation, and continuous improvement of clinical information systems. Our work helps transform healthcare by leading the analysis, implementation, design, evaluation of information and communication systems and technologies that improve patient care and safety while enhancing individual and population health outcomes.
Our team includes board-certified and board-eligible faculty members in Clinical Informatics. In 2013, the American Board of Preventive Medicine and the American Board of Pathology have established a new medical subspecialty of Clinical Informatics. We also support the ACGME-accredited UAMS Clinical Informatics Fellowship Program that was established in July 2019.
The Section of Clinical Informatics is the academic, clinical, and operational home for informatics in the Department of Pediatrics and in UAMS. The section has strong affiliation with the UAMS Department of Biomedical Informatics and serves as its academic and clinical training partner. With the emergence of the information technology applications in the modern healthcare settings, the Section of Clinical Informatics will establish the foundations for cultivating, developing, and applying the science of informatics and medical computing in the delivery of care at UAMS and Arkansas Children’s. The section is also the clinical home of the Clinical Informatics Fellowship program at Arkansas Children’s Hospital, housing its supporting faculty as well as the informatics fellows. The section serves as a catalyst for improving the quality and safety of care as well as scholarly activities using healthcare informatics technologies.
I invite you to learn about our program and visit us here in Little Rock! We have tons of cultural activities, nature trails, family-friendly communities, world renowned academic medical centers and educational institutions, and other cool attractions! You will thrive here in this bustling capital city of Arkansas!
Feliciano “Pele” Yu, M.D.
Section Chief of Clinical Informatics
Professor of Pediatrics, Biomedical Informatics and Public Health
Email: pele.yu@archildrens.org
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