What Makes Us Special?

We are a medium-sized residency program located in Little Rock, Arkansas. UAMS is Arkansas’s only Adult Level 1 Trauma Center, and is the state’s tertiary care referral center. UAMS is a comprehensive stroke center and provides care for Arkansas’s and the surrounding state’s most critically ill patients, providing our residents with a robust clinical experience that will prepare them to chart their future. Upon program completion, our graduates match into the most competitive fellowships, obtain academic appointments, or enter into private practice.
Our program is an ACGME-accredited, four-year program (PGY-1 – PGY-4). Each year we match 13 PGY-1 residents in the categorical match and one CA-1 physician only position, giving our program 55 residents. We recruit locally, nationally, and internationally giving us a diverse resident population.
Spotlight on Diversity
Leadership Team
Program Director
Riley Lide, M.D.
Department of Anesthesiology, UAMS
Associate Program Directors
Jonathan Aronson, M.D.
Associate Program Director
Shannon Dare, M.D.
Associate Program Director
Residency Staff
Program Manager: Mary Beth Gresham, C-TAGME
Residency Program Coordinator: Gina Kraft
Pain Fellowship Coordinator: Angela Warr
Contact Us
Residency Training Verification and Questions
Mary Beth Gresham at UAMSAnesthesiologyResidentVerifications@uams.edu or 501-603-1656
Gina Kraft at gkraft@uams.edu
Pediatric Anesthesia Fellowship Information
Corrine Morphew at CSMorphew@uams.edu, 501-364-2913
Pain Fellowship Information
Angela Warr at ALWarr@uams.edu or 501- 526-1090, ext. 1600