Welcome to Rheumatology!

Sam R. Dalvi, M.D.
The Division of Rheumatology at UAMS strives to be a true academic division, with an emphasis on the following:
- research to create new knowledge, trial new therapies, and translate discoveries in the laboratory for use in the practice of medicine
- educating the next generation of physicians
- providing outstanding rheumatologic care to patients in Arkansas and neighboring states
The division’s Vision Statement is the following: To create the premier academic rheumatology division in the Southeastern United States within the next 10 years.
The Mission Statement of the UAMS Division of Rheumatology: To transform the care of patients with complex rheumatologic disease in the state of Arkansas by expanding access, offering cutting edge targeted therapies, and developing a team-based approach for every patient, every time.
We evaluate patients in both ambulatory and inpatient settings. In the ambulatory setting, we primarily manage patients with a variety of rheumatologic diseases, including:
- Osteoarthritis
- Gout
- Pseudogout
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Vasculitis
- Lupus
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Systemic sclerosis
- Sjogrens syndrome
- Vasculitis
- Osteopenia/Osteoporosis
In the hospital setting, we provide consultative services for patients with complications related to their rheumatologic condition as well as for those patients in whom a diagnosis of a rheumatologic illness is suspected.
Patients with rheumatologic disease oftentimes require a multidisciplinary approach to their care. At UAMS, we are well positioned to offer such care by a group of dedicated rheumatologists as well as a talented group of physicians with expertise in primary care, surgery, and other subspecialties relevant to rheumatology, including, but not limited to:
- pulmonology
- nephrology
- dermatology
- neurology
- cardiology
- ophthalmology
- physiatry
- pain management
In addition, we work with a skilled group of occupational and physical therapists who help patients with rheumatologic disease maintain independence, regain function, and create an individualized plan of care.
Sam R. Dalvi, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
Director, Division of Rheumatology and Immunology
Director, Rheumatology Fellowship Training Program
Eleanor Lipsmeyer Endowed Professorship
Contact Us
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Division of Rheumatology and Immunology
4301 W. Markham St., #509
Little Rock, AR 72205
For Additional Information
Kevin Mitchell, Division Administrator
Phone: 501-686-7845
Email: KMitchell2@uams.edu
Shannon Crowder, Program/ Fellowship Coordinator
Department Internal Medicine, Division of Rheumatology
Phone: 504-686-5586
Email: SCrowder2@uams.edu