Hello! My name is Khushboo, and I am from the bustling city of New Delhi. As I grew up, watching my mother, a surgeon, and father, a pediatrician who led large-scale public health polio elimination campaigns, was always inspirational. Dinner table conversations about patient care and disease prevention offered meaningful insights and conveyed the sense of fulfillment derived from the profession. Hence, when choosing a career path, my resolve to make a difference steered me toward medical school.
My interest in neurology flourished during medical school as I began to appreciate its complexity and unique mathematical precision. I am thrilled to be joining the team at UAMS, where I look forward to commencing my residency training.

My passion for various forms of physical activity like yoga, resistance training, and dancing allows for the development of strength and mobility, in addition to offering a blast of endorphins to get past the toughest of days. I enjoy spending time with my family, especially when we are out and about, traveling and exploring new places.
Medical School: Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, New Delhi, India
Hometown: Delhi, India
Work experience: Research Intern work in brain health, addiction and dementia other areas. Multiple US observerships including rotations in neurology and internal medicine. Junior physician in cardiology.

Volunteer activities: worked in immunization and education efforts to prevent polio, medical semiar organization, charity health clinic volunteer
Hobbies include: Bharatanatyam dance, Jazz dance, yoga practioner, sketching artistry.