Jesus Delgado-Calle, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics in the College of Medicine at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), has received one grant of $1.7 million to study new bone-targeted therapies for the treatment of multiple myeloma, the second-most common blood-related cancer.

This National Health Institute-National Cancer Institute (NCI) funded study will examine the efficacy of novel therapeutics directed to the bone to decrease tumor growth, control dormant cancer cells, and repair damaged bone. Successful completion of this project could provide new approaches to guide development of new therapies that prevent or delay disease relapse and improve bone health in myeloma patients.
This project, which will run through 2025, has been awarded a MERIT Award (R37). The goal of R37 awards is to provide long-term grant support to investigators whose research competence and productivity are distinctly superior and who are highly likely to continue to perform in an outstanding manner. Under this mechanism, Dr. Delgado-Calle is eligible to obtain up to seven years of support in two segments: an initial award of up to five years and an opportunity for an extension of up to two additional years, based on an expedited NCI review of the accomplishments during the initial funding segment.