University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Office: 501-526-6096
Lab: 501-526-7528
Email: jware@uams.edu
Dr. Ware’s laboratory studies fundamental aspects of platelet biology to elucidate their role in vascular disease. His interests in hematologic disorders began with a fellowship at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. From there, he spent the next 17 years at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, CA. He joined UAMS in 2004 as a Professor in the Department of Physiology & Biophysics. Dr. Ware has published over 150 articles and reviews on many aspects of vascular biology but primarily focusing on hemostasis and thrombosis. He has served as a grant reviewer for the National Institutes of Health for more than 30 years and is Co-director of the Hematology-Oncology module for freshman medical students. His current research efforts focus on the interplay of inflammation, thrombosis, and cancer.
Lab Members
Caitlin Capterton, M.D./Ph.D. Candidate
Nishank Jain, M.D.
Representative Publications
Gupta, S., Konradt, C., Corken, A., Ware, J., Nieswandt, B., Di Paola, J., Yu, M., Wang, D., Nieman, M., Whiteheart, S.W., Brass, L.F., 2020 Hemostasis vs homeostasis, platelet are essential for preserving vascular barrier function in the absence of injury or inflammation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, In Press.
Franco, A., and Ware, J. 2019 Pathophysiology 3: the role of platelets in cancer biology. In: Thrombosis and Hemostasis in Cancer. Edited by G. Soff, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Springer Nature Switzerland. PMID:31317479
Asfari, A., Dent, J.A., Corken, A., Herington, D., Kaliki, Sra, N., Hefley, G., Pasala, S., Prodhan, P., and Ware, J. 2019 Platelet glycoprotein VI haplotypes and the presentation of pediatric sepsis. Thromb & Haemost. 119:431-438. PMID:30597490
Birnie, E., Claushuis, T.A.M., Koh, G., Limmathurotsakul, D., Day, N.P.J., Roelofs, J.T.H., Ware, J., Hou, B., de Vos, A.F., van der Poll, T., Van’t Veer, C., and W.J. Wiersing. 2019 Thrombocytopenia impairs host defense against Burkolderia pseudomallei (meliodosis). J Infectious Diseases. 219:648-659. PMID:30312422
Garg, S., Sadhukhan, R., Banerjee, S., Savenka, A.V., Basnakian, A.G., McHargue, V., Wang, J.. Pawar, S.A., Ghosh, S.P., Ware, J., Hauer-Jensen, M. and R. Pathak. 2019 Gamma-tocotrienol protects the intestine from radiation potentially by accelerating mesenchymal immune cell recovery. Antioxidants. 8:57-71. PMID:30845647
Malehmir, M., Pfister, D., Gallage, S., Szydlowska, M., Inverso, D., Kotsiliti, E., Leone, V., Peiseler, M., Surewaard, B.G.J., Rath, D., Ali, A., Wolf, MJ., Drescher, H., Healy, M.E., Dauch, D., Kroy, D., Krenkel, O., Kohlhepp, M., Engleitner, T., Olkus, A., Sijmonsma, T., Volz, J., Deppermann, C., Stegner, D., Helbling, P., Nombela-Arrieta, C., Rafiei, A., Hinterleitner, M., Rall, M., Baku, F., Borst, O., Wilson, C.L., Leslie, J., O’Connor, T., Weston, C.J., Adams, D.H., Sheriff, L,, Teijeiro, A., Prinz, M., Bogeska, R., Anstee, N., Bongers, M.N., Notohamiprodjo, M., Geisler, T., Withers, D.J., Ware, J., Mann, D.A., Augustin, H.G., Vegiopoulos, A., Milsom, M.D., Rose, A.J., Lalor, P.F., Llovet, J.M., Pinyol, R., Tacke, F., Rad, R., Matter, M., Djouder, N., Kubes, P., Knolle, P.A., Unger, K., Zender, L., Nieswandt, B., Gawaz, M., Weber, A and M. Heikenwalder. 2019 Platelet GPIbais a mediator and potential interventional target for NASH and subsequent liver cancer. Nature Medicine. 25:641-655.PMID:30936549
Jain, N., Wan, F., Kothari, M., Adelodun, A., Ware, J., Sarode, R. and S.S. Hedayati. 2019 Association of platelet function with depression and its treatment with sertraline in patients with chronic kidney disease: analysis of a randomized trial. BMC Nephrol. 20:395-407. PMID:31664940
Ware, J. 2018 Let’s shear a moment, then take it inside. Comments on “Shear-induced integrin signaling in platelet phosphatidylserine exposure, microvesicle release, and coagulation” by Pang et al.) Blood. 132:467-468. PMID:30072415
Corken, A., and Ware, J. 2018 A dynamic platelet – tumor cell axis. Annals of Blood. 3:47. doi: 10.21037/aob.2018.12.01
Stark, K., Schubert, I., Joshi, U., Kilani, B., Hoseinpour, P., Thakur, M., Grunauer, P., Pfeiler, S., Schmidergall, T., Stockhausen, S., Baumer, M., Chandraratne, S., von Bruhl, M.L., Lorenz, M., Colett, R., Reese, S., Laitinen, I., Wormann, S.M., Algul, H., Bruns, C.J., Ware, J., Mackman, N., Engelmann, B., and Massberg, S. 2018 Distinct pathogenesis of pancreatic cancer microvesicle-associated venous thrombosis identifies new antithrombotic targets in vivo. 2018 Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol. 38:772-786. PMID:29419408 (See Comment Same Issue, pg 692) Chosen as Cover Art Award during the Journal Plenary Session at the Vascular Discovery Conference in Boston, MA
Claushuis, T.A.M., de Stoppelaar, S.F., de Vos, A.F., Grootemaat, A.E., van der Wel, N.N., Roelofs, J., Ware, J., Van’t Veer, C., van der Poll, T. 2018 Nbeal2 deficiency increases organ damage but does not affect host defense during gran-negative pneumonia-derived sepsis. Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol. 38:1772-1784. PMID: 29930006
Xu, M., Li, J., Miguel, N., Zhu, G., Carrim, N., Yu, R., Sahil, G., Marshall, J.C., Rotstein, O., Peng, J., Hou, M. Kunishim, S., Ware, J., Branch, D.R., Lazarus, A.H., Ruggeri, Z.M., Freedman, J., and H. Ni. 2018 GPIb is required for platelet-mediated hepatic thrombopoietin generation. Blood. 132:622-634. PMID:29794068