Brian Storrie, Ph.D., along with graduate student Lindsey James Dickson and postdoctoral fellow Shijie Liu, Ph.D., were mentioned on LinkedIn by Scientific Volume Imaging for their paper showcasing how Huygens deconvolution helped uncover the role of Rab6 in intra-Golgi anterograde transport.
Scientific Volume Imaging is a leading scientific imaging software firm that specializes in software that corrects images for haze and renders them in three dimensions. This paper is the first example of evidence that a small GTPase, Rab6, modulates secretory protein transport through the Golgi apparatus specifically by affecting events within a limited sub-region of the organelle. The paper is highlighted by SVI because it makes excellent use of their software tools to refine and analyze the quantitative imaging data.
Dr. Storrie is the Director of the College of Medicine Microscopy Core of the department of Physiology and Biophysics. All the spinning disk confocal work highlighted above was performed within the Storrie laboratory and all the super resolution 3D-SIM work was done at this core.