When you give to the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, you make an investment in the future. Your gift enables us to search for new treatments for many of the conditions we treat, provide the best care for our patients, and train the doctors of tomorrow. Gifts to the department provide essential support for existing educational and research programs, new initiatives, new research endeavors, scholarships, lectureships and other endowments.
Online Giving

Enter the amount you wish to give to Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation in the Gift Details section and select “Other Special Funds, Scholarships, etc. ” under Designations. Please note “Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Foundation fund” in the gift comment section. You can also select to give monthly, quarterly, or biannually with a reoccurring payment option.
Mail Donations
Make your check payable to
UAMS Foundation, Department of PM&R
and mail to:
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
4301 West Markham Street, #602
Little Rock, AR 72205
Memorial and Honor Gifts
A gift to the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is a special way to honor or remember a friend or family member. The honoree or deceased’s family will receive a card acknowledging the gift, but not the amount. Please note whether your gift is in honor or memory of someone and to whom we should send the acknowledgment card and address. You will receive a receipt for your tax-deductible contribution.
Endowments are permanent legacies that provide donor recognition as well as vital support in perpetuity for faculty, residents, students, and programs. The principal of your endowment gift is invested and the interest generated provides ongoing income for the department. You may choose to endow a lectureship, professorship, or chair, or support a special project or research.