College of Medicine
Brain Imaging Research Center
Magnetic resonance imaging
Summary: State-of-the-art facility magnetic resonance imaging facility with a research focus related to human neuroscience
Type | Shared resource |
Key resources | Philips Achieva 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) instrument |
Director | Andy James, PhD |
Location | Psychiatric Research Institute |
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Bone Imaging Core
Musculoskeletal imaging
Summary: State-of-the-art musculoskeletal imaging and analytical technologies to generate, analyze, and interpret bone-imaging data. Also provides training in bone imaging and supports educational activities.
Type | Shared resource, COBRE-affiliated (CMDR) |
Key Resources | Faxitron UltraFocus with Dexa, 2 Scanco microCT 40, Zeiss Axioimager M2 with motorized stage |
Director | Jesús Delgado-Calle, Ph.D. |
Location | Multiple |
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Histology, Biomechanics, and Human Tissue Core
Hard tissue histology, and in vivo and ex vivo biomechanical testing
Summary: Highly specialized instrumentation and expertise for biomechanics and analysis of murine bones, human bone biopsies, and human joints.
Type | Shared resource, COBRE-affiliated (CMDR) |
Key resources | Electroforce 5500, MTS machines, microtomes, embedding , vacuum ovens, multiple capabilities in histology staining |
Director | Jinhu Xiong, Ph.D., Elena Ambrogini, M.D., Ph.D. |
Location | Multiple |
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Comprehensive Informatics Resource Core (CIRC)
Biomedical informatics
Summary: Consulting and informatics support of clinical trials, radiological imaging, and clinical data reporting.
Type | Shared resource |
Key Resources | Biomedical informatics consultation, development of surveys and data collection forms, data management and sharing plan support, collection and management of research images and multimedia data, access and analysis support for population databases |
Director | Fred Prior, PhD |
Location | Multiple |
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Digital Microscopy
Microscopy and cryo-resonance imaging
Summary: Both walk-up and staff-assisted imaging and microscopy. Added support available in experimental setup, consultation, training and user support for equipment operation and sample preparation.
Type | Core facility |
Key Resources | Tecnai F20 TEM Transmission electron microscope; fluorescent, inverted, light microscopy |
Director | Brian Storrie, PhD |
Location | Biomed-II |
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DNA Damage & Toxicology
Cellular and molecular toxicology
Summary: This core offers expertise in the areas of cellular and molecular analysis of tissue injury, with capabilities related to toxic or hypoxic tissue/cell injury in drug development, diseases or aging.
Type | Shared resource; COBRE-affiliated (Host Response to Cancer Therapy) |
Key Resources | Cytotoxicity assays in vitro and in vivo, DNA isolation, in vitro and in-cell DNA fragmentation assays, quantitative cytochemistry and immunocytochemistry, 3-D imaging, molecular cytogenetics, consultation |
Director | Alexei G. Basnakian, MD, PhD, DSc |
Location | Biomed-I |
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DNA and Next Generation Sequencing
DNA sequencing
Summary: The UAMS DNA and NGS Core Facility was established in 1997 to provide cost-effective, cutting-edge sequencing resources available to the campus.
Type | Core facility; COBRE-affiliated (CMPHIR) |
Key Resources | Sanger sequencing, small genome sequencing, and DNA and RNA quality analysis, metagenomics, and RNA-seq |
Director | Jon Blevins, PhD |
Location | Biomed-II |
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Experimental Pathology
Histology and immunostaining
Summary: The UAMS Experimental Pathology (ExPath) Core Laboratory provides researchers with centralized, comprehensive histological services for human and animal tissues in biochemical, molecular, and pathologic studies.
Type | Core facility |
Key Resources | Tissue processing and embedding, custom immunostaining, multiplexed immunohistochemistry, sectioning of paraffin-embedded and frozen tissue, slide scanning and imaging, consultation |
Director | Steve Post, PhD |
Location | Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute, floor 4 |
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Flow Cytometry
Walk-up and staff-assisted services
Summary: The Flow Cytometry Core Facility offers analysis of samples by traditional cytometry, cell sorting, full spectrum flow cytometry, sterile cell sorting, and imaging flow cytometry.
Type | Core facility |
Key Resources | BD LSRFortessa, BD FACSAria III, Cytek Northern Lights, BD FACSCelesta, Vetscan HM5 Hematology Analyzer |
Director | Jason Stumhofer, PhD |
Location | Biomed-II, Floor 3 |
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Genetic Models
Custom murine models and cell lines
Summary: Advanced gene-editing, cell line and transgenic mouse services, with long-term supporting maintenance, including sperm cryopreservation, in vitro fertilization, and strain rederivation
Type | Shared resource, COBRE-affiliated (CMDR) |
Key Resources | Dedicated laboratory space with a microinjection suite, cryopreservation lab, and isolator rack animal wards, CRISPR-Cas gene-editing technology |
Director | Qiang Fu, M.D., Ph.D. |
Location | Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute, Floor 8 |
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NGS and molecular profiling
Summary: Our mission is to provide UAMS investigators with convenient access to the latest technologies for genomic interrogation using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), microarray, and ddPCR analysis.
Type | Core facility |
Key Resources | Illumina NovaSeq 6000, Illumina NextSeq 2000, Illumina miniSeq, nucleic acid extraction, NGS Library Preparation and QC , study consultation |
Director | Donald Johann, MD |
Location | Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute |
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Comprehensive quantitative and discovery proteomics analysis
Summary: The IDeA National Resource for Quantitative Proteomics provides a full range of services for protein characterization by mass spectrometry, including protein identification, mapping of post-translational modifications, global proteomics, and quantitative comparison of proteins in biological samples using state-of-the-art equipment.
Type | Core facility |
Key Resources | Orbitrap Astral, Orbitrap Eclipse, Orbitrap Exploris 480, discovery proteomics, targeted proteomics, bioinformatics |
Director | Alan Tackett, PhD |
Location | Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute |
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