Training and Transitional Research
Many of our projects take research-based knowledge and translate it into practice. Our training programs target professionals in community-based settings such as early care and education, mental health, home visits, shelters, and substance abuse treatment.
Research-Based Early Childhood Professional Development (Link)
See how our programs link to the Teaching Pyramid (PNG file)
Program Evaluation
We collaborate with community agencies to provide process and outcome evaluation of the implementation of interventions.
Research and Development
We develop new tools and interventions, test basic science hypotheses, and explore applied research questions.
COVID-19 Resources
My Teacher Wears a Mask
Our new social story, My Teacher Wears a Mask, was created to help address any potential fear or apprehension experienced by young children due to new guidance related to teachers’ use of protective masks.
Coping with COVID
This is a resource for center administrators using the 10 Components of Trauma-Informed Care to support children during/after COVID crisis.
Coping With COVID (PDF download)
Arkansas Health and Education Hotline
DCCECE staff have been working at the Arkansas Health and Education Hotline to answer incoming calls from Child Care Centers who are experiencing a COVID related issue. The staff at the hotline are able to guide them through the next steps they need to take when they’ve had a positive case or a probable close contact.
If providers need help or have had a positive case, please direct them to the hotline 1-833-504-0155.