Project Play
Biting? Hitting? Excessive crying? PLAY’s early childhood mental health consultation will troubleshoot. Our consultants equip child care staff with evidence-based strategies to deal with challenging behaviors.
You’re So Far Away? We come to you! This program includes training and coaching to manage challenging behaviors and promote social-emotional health. It is targeted to programs with limited access to state professional development resources.
The Family Map
Instruments and training to guide you through face-to-face interviews with families. We’ll help you determine PROTECTIVE/RISK factors, target resources, and document services. Prenatal to 5 years. Used by Head Starts, preschools, and home visiting programs.
Engage Continuum
The Engage Continuum is a professional development series that helps educators tap into the power of parents! We know positive relationships between educators and families contribute to children’s school readiness and healthy development. This training helps educators learn how to build those positive, goal-oriented relationships with families.

Connecting with parents has never been easier! TIPS increases parent involvement and enhances education for families raising kids 0-5. Using best practice info, TIPS promotes partnerships between teachers and parents which allows teachers to provide parents with “what they want to know, when they want to know it.” Also features Naptime Academy. FREE ONLINE professional development for your staff!
Naptime Academy
To eliminate training barriers for rural and busy childcare providers, the RED developed Naptime AcademyTM, a library of e-learning modules, allowing staff to access training any time by computer or mobile device. Naptime AcademyTM includes a proprietary learning management system, e-commerce, and reporting and has further connected the program to childcare providers.
Fruit and vegetable experiences for children. Monthly delivery of a target food and weekly activities that let kids experience food with all 5 senses. Extension activities provided for home. Updates, recipes and tips posted to a classroom Facebook page.
Strengthening Families
A researched-based, cost-effective strategy to increase FAMILY STABILITY, enhance child development, and reduce child abuse and neglect. Learn about the framework and its strategies. Then, share ideas and create action plans.
Fostering Informed and Responsive Systems for Trauma in Early Care and Education (FIRST:ECE) provides training and resources to build trauma-informed early care and education settings.
WOW Groups
WOW (Working Toward Optimal Wellness) Groups provide Reflective Support Groups for early childhood educators and provide ways to brainstorm coping skills in the workplace. WOW also provides Skills Trainings to teach early childhood educators communication techniques, advocacy skills, and general mental health and wellness concepts.
Learn More About Upcoming WOW Group Sessions
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