Program Director’s Message

Humaira Khan, M.D., Program Director
On behalf of our neurology family, I welcome you to our website and thank you for your interest in the Neurology Residency Program at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). We want our graduates to be happy and successful no matter what future path they may seek, whether they choose a career in academia, community practice, or somewhere in between. To help you reach those goals, we provide a myriad of avenues for clinical research, chances to hone your teaching skills with medical students, and opportunities to learn neurology from outstanding clinicians.
As the lone academic tertiary referral center for the state of Arkansas, our residents at UAMS care for patients with both common and rare neurologic diseases. Residents become adept at diagnosing and managing patients under the supervision of our outstanding faculty. This is further augmented by didactics led by the same faculty. The first six weeks of lectures are focused on the basics: neuroanatomy, neurologic emergencies, neurodiagnostic studies, and general neurology. The remainder of the academic year focuses on sub-specialty neurology. Though in-person conference attendance is mandatory, these sessions are teleconferenced to Arkansas Children’s hospital for the benefit of our Pediatric Neurology residents and colleagues and recorded so that residents can review them later as they wish.
The most important part of our program is our residents. Our residents are a friendly and diverse group who collaborate well with our faculty in patient care, teaching, and research. After they graduate from residency, they are always able to move onto the fellowship or practice opportunity of their choice.
Lastly, Little Rock is a hidden gem. Our city has everything that larger cities have to offer including a robust restaurant scene, tons of options for outdoor adventures, and other great places to visit. This comes packaged with a small town feel and a unique charm that makes Little Rock so special.
For more information on GME and living in Little Rock, be sure to check out the following links:
We look forward to meeting you and hope you’ll join our neurology family here at UAMS.
Humaira Khan, M.D.
Program Director