Congratulations to Dr. Analiz Rodriguez of the Department of Neurosurgery, who was named to the Arkansas Business 40 Under 40. Read the article on the Arkansas Business website.
Neurostimulator Significantly Reduces Seizures for Missouri Man
By Katrina Dupins March 18, 2019 | Matthew Pinegar was 3 months old when he had his first seizure. He was put on medication to keep them at bay, then taken off the medicine in junior high. “It wasn’t until I was 21 when I had my first grand mal,” Pinegar said. “After that happened […]
Woman Relaxed for First Time in Years After Complex Spine Surgery
By Katrina Dupins Last fall, just getting out of a chair and walking from one room to the next was a labored and painful experience for Denise Frerichs. The pain was excruciating and it ran down from her back to her legs. “The pain started about two years ago. At first I thought it would […]
Patient finds relief after suffering from spine deformity
During the past year, Denise Frerichs found it difficult to move due to the immense pain caused by a spine deformity and immense pain. She came to UAMS to see Dr. Noojan Kazemi, neurosurgeon who specializes in complex spine surgery. Denise was first treated with medication and physical therapy, but ultimately it was decided surgery […]
UAMS is the first hospital in the state to offer treatment for Refractory Epilepsy
“UAMS is the first hospital in Arkansas to offer the most advanced treatment for adults with Refractory Epilepsy that can’t be controlled by medicine. The patient had been having seizures most of his life. At this point, his seizures were affecting his life, mood, memory and overall well-being. Dr. Palys explains: “Every time you have […]
Patient Uses FaceTime to Call Family During Brain Surgery
By Katrina Dupins Feb. 15, 2019 | Before his seizure on May 31, 2018, Chris Stephenson, of Horatio, Ark., had no idea he had a tumor the size of an orange in his brain. He was logging about 4,000 miles a week in his big rig and happened to be driving when the seizure happened. […]
Fort Smith Woman has Fewer Seizures Thanks to Surgical Implant
By Katrina Dupins Tori Hatcher used to wake up many mornings in intense pain due to epileptic seizures. They often happened as she slept. “Sometimes my tongue or lip would be bleeding when I woke up,” Hatcher said. “It’s exhausting. Your whole body tenses up in a seizure. By the time it’s over, you’re so […]
Models for Research: Dr. Erika Petersen Leads Multiple Studies
UAMS Translational Research Institute Helps Busy Neurosurgeon, Dr. Erika Petersen, Lead Multiple Studies Erika Petersen, M.D., saw the outlines of her career when she was just 16. As a participant in a summer research program at Duke Cancer Institute, she gained insight beyond the lab work. “As part of the program, I got to stand […]
Diabetic Pain Study at UAMS to Test Spinal Cord Stimulation Device
By David Robinson People with chronic painful diabetic neuropathy are being enrolled in a University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) research study of a spinal cord stimulation device designed to reduce the pain. Led at UAMS by Erika Petersen, M.D., a neurosurgeon and researcher, the study is part of a clinical trial being conducted […]
Here’s to Dr. Pait
Dr. T. Glenn Pait, Professor of Neurosurgery, is the voice of UAMS’s “Here’s to Your Health” broadcast on KUAR, the National Public Radio affiliate at UA Little Rock. This is a popular weekly radio show that delivers patient education, general medical information and translational research. As a measure of appreciation, a listener of Dr. Pait’s […]