One of the goals of the UAMS Interventional Pain Clinic is to further the knowledge of pain care for the people of Arkansas through clinical research.
The clinic is involved in a number of national clinical trials. Most trials cover all medical costs for participants that qualify. If you would like to discuss participation in any of the studies below, please email us at Painclinic@uams.edu
We are also open to discussing other possible clinical trials for drug development or advancement of novel pain therapies. If you would like to discuss a research idea or opportunity with us, please email us at Painclinic@uams.edu
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
Do you have significant leg or foot pain due to diabetic peripheral neuropathy? There is an ongoing national multi-center trial looking at the role spinal cord stimulation in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. To determine if you qualify to participate please review key inclusion below.
Inclusion Criteria
- Clinically diagnosed with diabetes & diabetic neuropathy resulting in lower limb pain
- Refractory to conservative treatments, including pregabalin or gabapentin and at least one other class of analgesic
- Symptomatic despite conservative therapy for a minimum of 12 months
- ≥ 5 out 10 cm on the pain VAS in the lower extremities
Exclusion Criteria
- Lower limb amputation other than toes
- HbA1c > 9%
- BMI>45
- Daily opioid dosage > 120 mg morphine equivalents
- Prior experience with SCS
If you feel that you may qualify, please contact our office for an appointment.
Post-Amputation Pain
Chronic pain after amputation is a common and often debilitating outcome. We are participating in an ongoing multi-center trial looking at the role of peripheral nerve stimulation for the treatment of lower extremity amputation pain. If you have post-amputation pain in one of your lower extremities, please contact our office to see if you qualify.