Wellness is Key!
In the Department of Radiology, we prioritize wellness as one of our core values. We believe that emotional, mental, and physical well-being is one of the most important factors in becoming a physician.
We are extremely fortunate to have a very close resident community, and we work to foster that as a program through our “Resident Wellness Committee”. This monthly meeting is resident-run, with support from department administrators. Here, residents can address wellness, education topics and plan events for the program.
The committee organizes events at least three to four times a year for the entire residency. Prior events include monthly happy hours, holiday parties for Thanksgiving/Christmas, canoe trips, crawfish boil, and so much more! We also have a welcome party for new PGY-2 residents, and class dinners with the program director.
Additionally, our faculty have contributed to resident wellness measures as well by funding a resident snack cabinet and well as donating a table tennis table to the resident lounge.
To learn how the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences at large supports its residents and employees, follow these links to the GME Wellness Office and the UAMS Employee Assistance Program.
We strongly encourage our residents to take part in of the several additional campus wide wellness measures listed below.