Easing the Transition
Boot Camp

Taking place during the first month of the R1 year, Boot Camp orientation is designed to ease the transition from clinical intern to budding radiologist. The schedule includes basic radiology lectures by senior residents and faculty from all divisions, discussion of policies and procedures, time to complete administrative requirements, and hands-on simulation activities. Senior residents offer practical advice related to daily responsibilities, call, board preparation, and radiology life in general. We solicit feedback through an anonymized questionnaire and make changes accordingly to the Boot Camp schedule based on the feedback received.
What Our Residents Have to Say About Boot Camp
“Radiology boot camp provides an invaluable educational experience designed to equip incoming R1 residents with essential skills and knowledge necessary to excel in radiology residency. These sessions covered a wide range of topics including delineating roles and responsibilities during rotations, information on provided study materials and question banks, as well training in procedural techniques and situations that are encountered on rotations and call. One other important experience boot campers are given is the opportunity to take “baby call”. This allows the new R1’s to experience the workflow and environment of call before they have responsibilities expected of them. Additional sessions were given by senior residents that offered peer advice and helped foster mentorship.”
“By providing this experience, residents are not only introduced to the radiology fundamentals needed for rotations and call preparedness, but also are provided with the resources they need in order to succeed through the challenges of radiology residency. “R1 boot camp provided a comprehensive bridge from our clinical intern year to our first radiology rotations. The learning curve in R1 year is steep and challenging. Having boot camp to start of the year remains an essential component of preparing residents for this transition at UAMS. We enjoyed sessions on program policies, fluoroscopic techniques, radiation safety, nuclear medicine safety, and how to get involved in research. Particularly engaging were sessions put on by senior residents related to how to succeed on our upcoming rotations and R1 call. Boot camp also allowed us the unique opportunity to grow together as a class while transitioning to R1 year.”
– Feedback from 2024 Boot Camp