We provide a comprehensive curriculum consisting of both case-based conferences (held at 7 a.m. on Wednesdays) and didactic conferences (held at 1 p.m. each day).
Our didactic curriculum is an 18-month cycle consisting of 4-6 weeks of sub specialty radiology topics as well as a wide range of non-interpretive skills (Resident wellness, Business of Radiology, Substance Abuse, Recruitment). We provide protected time at the end of each rotation to take end of rotation tests.
Our faculty use both traditional as well as novel methods of teaching such as Flipped Classroom, Black Board, Turning Point, Audience poll, Team Based Learning and Jeopardy to keep learning an interactive experience. Relevant Educational material is sent out for resident review ahead of time.
1:00 p.m. – Daily Conference schedule
Other Educational Conferences Include and Are Not Limited to the Following:
- Radiology Grand Rounds from R4 residents – 6/7 per year
- Invited lectures from clinical experts
- Journal Club – nine months per year, featuring three presenters each time
- Conferences led by the IR division for quality improvement and teaching – each Tuesday 6 a.m. – 8 a.m.
- Interesting case conference as a method of resident-faculty peer review
- Kudos conference to celebrate good resident reads
- Systems-based practice project to identify and solve systems problems
- Multi disciplinary conferences such as ED-RAD, GI and GU oncology, Orthopedic Oncology, Rheumatology
- ER course to help R1s gear up for upcoming call – one week intense review which takes place in February/March
Visiting Professors Program
The department’s Visiting Professors Program enriches the teaching, clinical, and research experience of both residents and faculty through exchange with nationally renowned experts in the different radiological subspecialties. The Diner and Klein lectures are named lectures after distinguished faculty who have served the department and have provided funds for betterment of resident education.
In 2021, we were fortunate to be chosen for the AUR-APDR RCLAP Visiting Lecture Series and will be receiving three lectures on various abdominal radiology topics.
We also instituted a Virtual Visiting Professor Lecture series with topics geared to benefit residents for their board study preparation.
Physics Education
Physics education provides residents with an understanding of the physical principles and theories involved in diagnostic imaging modalities.
We have subscribed to a dedicated year long physics curriculum which is ABR Core exam focused, it provides a hybrid of virtual live and study material for independent resident review. The virtual live lectures take place each Friday from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.
Our curriculum also includes completion of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) web physics modules. At all times we seek to provide clinical relevance for topics to aid each resident in preparing for the American Board of Radiology (ABR) core examination.