What is your hometown?
El Paso-Juarez, US-Mexico border region.
Where did you attend medical school?
The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, John Sealy School of Medicine.
What other educational credentials do you have?
Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Texas at El Paso.
What are your particular clinical interests?
Growing up alongside my grandmother has helped foster a special appreciation in me for the elderly. I am passionate about the specialized care for geriatric patients as and topics related to that; e.g., polypharmacy, healthy aging, end-of-life care, and death with dignity. I am also interested in preventive care; I hope to support my patients in pursuing happier and healthier lifestyles by working together with them in a trusting and safe environment. Lastly, after having overcome multiple injuries in the process of training for half and full marathons, I have become very interested in sports medicine. However, I continue to keep an open mind regarding sub-fields within Family Medicine, and ultimately regarding the focus of my future practice.
Why did you choose Family Medicine?
I choose Family Medicine because it is unique among medical specialties in its breadth and scope. It trains physicians to recognize, manage, and prevent a wide array of conditions in patients of all ages. In addition, it affords the opportunity to build long-lasting and trusting bonds with patients; these relationships are incredibly valuable to me. It is a versatile career in which many different practice settings are available such as inside the hospital or outside in the community. Ultimately, I want to be the kind of family physician you can trust to always make you feel welcome, comfortable, and appreciated for being yourself regardless of my future setting of practice.
Why did you choose the Little Rock Family Medicine residency program?
I started looking into UAMS Little Rock Family Medicine because I have a strong support system in the area. As I looked more into this program, I fell in love with it. I saw strong support for diversity among both patients and practitioners; exposure to geriatrics as early as a first-year resident; an impressive pass-rate for board exams; a close-knit community; and feelings of warmth and friendliness all throughout the interview process. In addition, Little Rock is a beautiful city surrounded by areas of greenery and natural beauty. There are many trails, parks, and spectacular sightseeing opportunities around the Arkansas River. Altogether, it was easy to picture myself training at UAMS Little Rock, a wonderful and prestigious program that I knew would truly feel like home.
What are your hobbies and interests outside of medicine?
My hobbies are very important to me because they allow me to maintain a happy and balanced lifestyle. Some of my favorite hobbies are running and Latin dancing. I began running in 2017, and the following year I started training for my first ever half marathon. Since then, I have run multiple half and full marathons, and continue to run regularly. In addition, I have been Latin dancing since 2018, and my favorite kinds of Latin dancing are salsa, bachata, merengue, and cumbia. I also enjoy outdoor activities, traditional strength training, yoga, and spending time with my friends and family.