What is your hometown?
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Where did you attend medical school?
Escola de Medicina Souza Marques, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
What other educational credentials do you have?
After graduating, I worked a couple of years in Brazil before enrolling in a research year at the Mayo Clinic Family Medicine and Sports Medicine Department.
What are your particular clinical interests?
My interests in Family Medicine are broad but the most significant one is to improve my patients’ health and lifestyle. My goal is to bring more accessible care to underserved populations, especially immigrants. I am also very passionate about preventive health, adolescent care, mental health, and women’s health.
Why did your choose Family Medicine?
I chose Family Medicine because it is a complete specialty. You don’t care for only one part of the body. You care for the person as a whole and throughout her lifespan. Moreover, you care for their families and communities. I will have the privilege to care for a patient from birth, while growing up, maturing, and enjoying life. This is all because I can maintain long-term bonds with my future patients, ensure continuity of care, and become an integral part of the community.
Why did you choose the Little Rock Family Medicine residency program?
The UAMS Little Rock Family Medicine residency stood out while I was looking for programs for many reasons. It is a huge academic institution with excellent educational training and opportunities. It receives patients from all over the state, making it a great place for training due to the variety of cases. During the interview process, upon meeting the team and learning more about the program, I felt a strong connection. I had no doubt that it was the right place for me. Everyone in the program is friendly, welcoming, and dedicated to helping you grow and become well-rounded while caring for its residents’ wellness.
What are your hobbies and interests outside of medicine?
What I love most in my free time is traveling to explore new places, especially with my family and friends. I like to stay active, whether it’s in the gym, pilates or just walking. I love trying new things (recently I started taking a beginner tennis class). Music is also important to me. I have broad tastes and love singing. I’ve taken singing lessons since the age of 15. My favorite thing to do when I need a break is to binge-watch series or Brazilian soap operas.