Research Team

Lisa Brents, Ph.D. (Principal Investigator)
Dr. Brents received her Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Toxicology in 2013 from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, where she studied the pharmacology of the synthetic cannabinoids JWH 018 and JWH 073 and their active metabolites with Paul Prather, Ph.D. In 2016, she completed a NIDA T32-funded postdoctoral fellowship with Clint Kilts, Ph.D., in the UAMS Psychiatric Research Institute and joined the UAMS Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the rank of Instructor.

William Higgins (Research Technician)
William Higgins joined the Brents lab in January 2018. He is an undergraduate biochemistry student at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA) where he has conducted research on retinoid establishment and maintenance in immunity, and served as a teaching assistant in the UCA chemistry department. His work in the Brents lab primarily focuses on investigating placental P-glycoprotein as a potential therapeutic target to prevent neonatal abstinence syndrome.

Paloma Salazar (Research Technician)
Paloma Salazar first joined the Brents lab as a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow in June 2018 before becoming a research technician in October 2018. She is an undergraduate chemistry student at the University of Arkansas-Little Rock where she previously conducted research on nanocatalysts for hydrogen production. Her work in the Brents lab primarily focuses on investigating placental P-glycoprotein as a potential therapeutic target to prevent neonatal abstinence syndrome.