Research Team

Nancy J. Rusch, Ph.D. (Principal Investigator)
The goal of my laboratory is to discover abnormalities of ion channel expression and composition that contribute to systemic and pulmonary hypertension and identify channel-based therapies to treat these disease. We employ a multi-faceted approach of patch-clamp, molecular, cellular, and in vivo techniques to accomplish this goal.

Yungmeng Liu, Ph.D. (Postdoctoral Fellow)
Yungmeng Liu is a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Nancy Rusch. She has many years of experience in molecular biology & physiology. Her research interest focuses on the molecular mechanism of pathogenesis of hypertension, in particular, salt-sensitive hypertension. Dr. Liu’s current working project involves collaboration with Dr. Mu, exploring the role of immune cells in impairing sodium-handling in the kidney, which leads to salt-retention and the development of salt-sensitive hypertension. Their work has recently been awarded by the American Heart Association.
Brittney Garner, B.S. (Ph.D. Candidate)

Brittney Garner is a second year student in the laboratory of Dr. Nancy Rusch. Her primary research focus is Ion channel remodeling in lymphedema.
Terry Fletcher, B.S. (Senior Research Associate)

Terry Fletcher as been with the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology for the last six years, providing technical support for laboratories and maintaining core equipment. Fletcher was honored with a Research Staff Excellence Award at the 2013 Dean’s Honor Day for his contribution to research programs in eight laboratories at UAMS over the past 25 years.