Associate Professor
Phone: 501-603-1081
Fax: 501-686-8970
Email: SMu@uams.edu
- M.D. – TianJin Medical University, TianJin, China, 2004
- Ph.D. – The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2011
Research Interests
Our research is deeply rooted in understanding the pathogenesis of hypertension and its progression to heart failure. This is not just a scientific endeavor but a mission to uncover the mechanisms driving the development of hypertension. We are dedicated to translating our basic scientific discoveries into clinical applications, with the ultimate goal of contributing to a cure for hypertension. To achieve this, we have conducted rigorous screenings to identify potential pathogenic targets in hypertension. Building on these initial findings, we are currently performing laboratory experiments using a combination of pharmacological and genetic approaches to determine the role of these identified molecules in the development of hypertension. Our latest project investigates the role and molecular mechanisms of immune cells in stimulating sodium retention in the kidney, a key factor in the pathogenesis of salt sensitivity in hypertension. Additionally, we have acquired extensive techniques and research experience in physiology, biology, molecular genetics, epigenetics, histology, and vascular biology, all of which are essential for our pursuit of translational medicine.
Recent Research Support
Current Research
- 2R01, HL146713, NIH-NHLBI, (PI) (04/2019-03/2029) “T cell homing to the kidney contributes to salt retention and blood pressure regulation.”
- AHA23TPA1076467, American Heart Association, (PI) (7/2023 – 6/2026) “Formation of CD8Trms in the kidney contributes to salt-memory of hypertension.”
- VCRI Equipment grant (PI) (6/2023 – 6/2024) “Cardiovascular Phenotyping System for studying small animal models of cardiovascular diseases.”
- USDA-NIFA-CBGP-007373, (Co-PI) (4/2024 – 3/2027) “Leveraging the Medicinal Properties of Arkansas Rice Bran Varieties to Strengthen the Nutrition Expertise and Research Skills by Collaborative Research and Extension Efforts”
- Sturgis Foundation Grant (Co-PI) (1/2024 – 12/2024) “Diabetes promotes hypertension via metabolic reprogramming of T cells.”
- R21, AI1750738, NIH-NIAID (Co-I) (9/2023 – 8/2025) “Macrophage metabolism in diabetes and tuberculosis comorbidity”
Completed Research
• 1R01, HL146713, NIH, NHLBI, (PI) (04/01/2019-03/31/2024) “T cell homing to the kidney contributes to salt retention and blood pressure regulation”
• Bronson Foundation Grant, (PI) (01/01/2022-12/31/2022) “Mechanism of Lymphatic Contractile Dysfunction in Hypertension”
• VCRI Equipment grant, (PI) (06/20/2022 – 06/19/2023) “Protein simple western system (Jess) for protein analysis.”
• Sturgis Foundation Grant, (Co-PI) (01/01/2021 – 12/31/2022) “Macrophage metabolism as the missing link between diabetes and tuberculosis”
• Medical Research Endowment Awards, UAMS, (PI) (2019-2020) “Role of renal lymph-angiogenesis in salt-sensitive hypertension”
• UAMS COM Equipment Award (PI) (2019) “Evaluating cardiac function in multiple animal models using PV-loop method”
• 15BGIA25730047 AHA (PI) (07/01/15 – 06/30/17) “Role of Immune Cells in Kidney in the Development of Salt-Sensitive Hypertension
Mu Lab Team
- Yunmeng Liu, Assistant Professor
- Tonya Rafferty, Research Assistant
- Christoph Mora, Graduate Student (Ph.D. Candidate)
- Kathrine Deck, Graduate Student (Ph.D. Candidate)
- Pamela Rogers, Research Technician
Mentee (Ph.D. students) Awards:
• 2024, Katherine Deck, Outstanding Achievement Award, UAMS Graduate School
• 2024, Christoph Mora, Graduate School Three-Minute-Thesis Competition Award
• 2024, Katherine Deck, Graduate School Three-Minute-Thesis Competition Award
• 2024, Katherine Deck, Predoctoral Fellowship (two years), American Heart Association (AHA)
• 2024, Lance Benson, Outstanding Achievement Award, UAMS Graduate School
• 2023, Lance Benson, Research Recognition Award, Cardiovascular Section, American Physiological Society (APS)
• 2023, Lance Benson, Predoctoral Fellowship, American Heart Association (AHA)
• 2022, Katherine Deck, Predoctoral Fellowship, NIGMS-funded T32 in Systems Pharmacology and Toxicology (SPaT)
• 2022, Lance Benson, Young Investigator Award for Basic Science, International Society of Hypertension (ISH)
• 2022, Lance Benson, Trainee Advocacy Hypertension Early Career Awards, American Heart Association (AHA)
• 2022, Lance Benson, Pre-doctoral Excellence in Renal Research Award, (1st place), American Physiological Society (APS)
• 2020, Lance Benson, Predoctoral Fellowship, NIGMS-funded T32 in Systems Pharmacology and Toxicology (SPaT)
• 2020, Lance Benson, Dr. Glenn and Lori Millner Distinguished Scholar Award, UAMS Graduate School
• 2019, Brittney Garner, Travel Award to Experimental Biology (EB), American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET)
• 2019, Brittney Garner, Washington Fellow, American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET)
- Hao J, Qiang P, Xiong Y, Fan L, Yang F, Shimosawa T, Mu S, Xu Q. Eplerenone reduces fibrosis-associated lymph-angiogenesis in the contralateral kidney of UUO rats. Scientific Report. 2024; 14(1): 9976. PMID: 38693148.
- Benson LN, Deck KS, Mora CJ, Guo Y, Rafferty TM, Li LX, Huang L, Andrews JT, Qin Z, Trott DW, Hoover RS, Liu Y, Mu S. P2X7-Mediated Antigen-Independent Activation of CD8+ T Cells Promotes Salt-Sensitive Hypertension. Hypertension. 2024; 81: 530–540. PMID: 38193292.
- Benson LN, Mu S. Interferon-gamma in the pathogenesis of hypertension – recent insights. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension. 2024; 33(2): 154-160. PMID: 38164939.
- Benson LN, Guo Y, Deck KS, Mora CJ, Liu Y, Mu S. The Link Between Immunity and Hypertension in the Kidney and Heart. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 2023;10: 1129384. PMID: 36970367.
- Benson LN, Liu Y, Deck KS, Mora CJ, Mu S. Interferon-gamma contributes to the immune mechanisms of hypertension. Kidney360. 2022; 3(12): 2164-2173. PMID: 36591357.
- Najjar RS, Mu S, Feresin RG. Blueberry Polyphenols Increase Nitric Oxide and Attenuate Angiotensin II-induced oxidative Stress and Inflammatory Signaling in Human Aortic Endothelial Cells. Antioxidants. 2022; 11(4): 616. PMID: 35453301
- Benson LN, Liu Y, Wang X, Xiong Y, Rhee SW, Guo Y, Deck KS, Mora CJ, Li LX, Huang L, Andrews JT, Qin Z, Hoover RS, Ko B, Williams RM, Heller DA, Jaimes EA, Mu S. The IFNγ-PDL1 Pathway Enhances CD8T-DCT Interaction to Promote Hypertension. Circulation Research. 2022; 130(10): 1550-1564. PMID: 35430873.
- Deck KS, Mu S. uEVs: A Potential Tool for Examining Renal Epithelial Cells. Kidney360. 2022; 3 (5), 796-798. PMID: 36128488.
- Pal S, Rahman J, Mu S, Rusch NJ, Stolarz AJ. Drug-Related Lymphedema: Mysteries, Mechanisms, and Potential Therapies. Frontier of Pharmacology. 2022; 13: 850586. PMID: 35308247
- Xiong Y, Chang Y, Hao J, Zhang C, Yang F, Wang Z, Liu Y, Wang X, Mu S*, Xu Q*. (*co-correspondence, senior author) Eplerenone attenuates fibrosis in the contralateral kidney of UUO rats by preventing macrophage-to-myofibroblast transition. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 12: 620433, 2021. PMID: 33716747.
- Garner B, Stolarz AJ, Stuckey D, Sarimollaoglu M, Liu Y, Palade P, Rusch NJ, Mu S. KATP channel openers inhibit lymphatic contractions and lymph flow as a possible mechanism of peripheral edema. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 376(1): 40-50, 2021. PMID: 33100270.
- Zheng F, Mu S, Rusch NJ. Leptin Activates Trpm7 Channels in the Carotid Body As a Mechanism of Obesity-Related Hypertension. Circulation Research. 125(11): 1003-1005, 2019. PMID: 31697634
- Mu S, Fantegrossi W, Rusch N. Cocaine-Responsive miRNA and Blood Pressure Elevation. Hypertension. 71(4): 561-562; 2018. PMID: 29483229.
- Liu Y, Rafferty TM, Rhee SW, Webber JS, Song L, Ko B, Hoover RS, He B, Mu S. CD8+ T cells stimulate Na-Cl co-transporter NCC in distal convoluted tubules leading to salt-sensitive hypertension. Nature Communications. 8: 14037; 2017. PMID: 28067240.
- Shibata S, Mu S, Kawarazaki H, Muraoka K, Ishizawa K, Yoshida S, Kawarazaki W, Takeuchi M, Ayusawa N, Miyoshi J, Takai Y, Ishikawa A, Shimosawa T, Ando K, Nagase M, Fujita T. Rac1 GTPase in rodent kidneys is essential for salt-sensitive hypertension via a mineralocorticoid receptor-dependent pathway. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 121:3233-3243, 2011. PMID: 21765214.
- Mu S, Shimosawa T, Ogura S, Wang H, Uetake Y, Kawakami-Mori F, Marumo T, Yatomi Y, Geller DS, Tanaka H, Fujita T. Epigenetic modulation of the renal β-adrenergic-WNK4 pathway in salt-sensitive hypertension. Nature Medicine. 17:573–580, 2011. PPMID: 21499270
Mu Shengyu Publications list: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=mu%20shengyu&sort