DFPM-RED‘s WISE (We Inspire Smart Eating) was featured on KATV’s Saturday Daybreak on Saturday, June 23rd. DFPM-RED faculty member Dr. Taren Swindle appeared with Windy WISE and demonstrated a food experience from the WISE curriculum currently in use in locations all across Arkansas. Watch the segment by clicking on the image or link below.
DFPM-RED’s Project PLAY is in the news!
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette has highlighted the great work being led by a collaboration between UAMS, The Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education, and Arkansas State University. Dr. Nikki Edge was lead with Project Play but special recognition should also be given to RED’s Angie Kyzer and Zach Patterson for the development and implementation of the online BehaviorHelp system. Dr. Edge developed Project Play, Ms. Kyzer has many talents but in this was key in conceptualizing the online system, and Mr. Patterson wrote the online computer code to make this effort a reality.
Read the full article.
New Funding for DFPM-RED
DFPM-RED’s Dr. Leanne Whiteside-Mansell, Dr. Daniel A. Knight, LaTunja Sockwell, and Cindy Crone have been awarded funding from Gilead Investigator Sponsored Research.
This project will implement HIV education within Pulaski County Drug Court (PCDC) one of 43 Arkansas Adult Drug Courts (ADC). The training was developed in collaboration with the Arkansas Department of Health but will be modified to include clinical preventive options such as oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and risk of Hep C. The training, titled Embracing Healthy Love (EHL), has been piloted and continues in two northwest Arkansas drug courts by RED including Isis Martel.
$248,543; 18 months of funding – community health work to be hired, part time RA and trainer.

The Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior selects DFPM-RED submission as “Best of 2018”!
- Innovativeness/creativity
- Quality of design
- Quality of the writing and presentation of the report
- Quality of evaluation “
DFPM RED research on Food Insecurity & Childhood Obesity
A recent paper (Published online: 22 Jun 2017) from DFPM RED researchers brings new statistics into the world of community-based evaluation. The study used non-inferiority testing to examine the relationship between obesity and food security in children aged 3 to 5 years.
While traditionally used in pharmacology, this approach has found a niche in measuring equality between groups to conclude children suffering from food insecurity experience rates of obesity equivalent to or above food secure peers. Having answered the relationship between obesity and food security, studies can move forward in the areas of food quality and other reasons underlying the high rates of obesity among starving youth.
ARTICLE: Application of Noninferiority Tests to Examine the Food Insecurity–Obesity Relationship in Children
Taren Swindle, Shalese Fitzgerald, Lorraine M. McKelvey & Leanne Whiteside-Mansell
Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition
DFPM RED recognized for work on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorders
DFPM RED has recently participated in Arkansas’ 5th Annual Conference on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorders held on Thursday, September 14, 2017. On Wednesday, September 6, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson declared the month of September to be FASD Awareness Month in Arkansas. The official proclamation was presented to DFPM RED Research Associate Angela Kyzer and Outreach Coordinator Annemarie McGahagan. The proclamation was presented by None for Nine task force Vice President, Carol Rangel. Kyzer was also recognized for her work on the Taskforce, of which she is a member. Awards were also given to DFPM RED team members Mark Currey and Alicia Hamilton for work connected to None for Nine.
DFPM RED studies connection between maternal depression/alcohol use and behavioral issues in children.
A recently published DFPM RED study examines the Effects of Maternal Depression Symptoms and Alcohol Use Problems
on Child Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior Problems. The study, which included DFPM RED faculty Nikki Edge, Ph.D. and Lorraine McKelvey, Ph.D., examined the impact of maternal depression and alcohol use problems on children’s behavior problems over a period of five years. The study included 1,874 Head Start eligible families. The study highlights the importance of understanding and treating various kinds of behavioral health concerns in mothers of young children.
Read the full, published article.
New DFPM RED publication on nutrition practices in early care and education setting
A recent paper from DFPM RED published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior looks at studies on factors associated with nutrition practices in early care and education settings. The article suggests that these studies often focus on sociodemographic and programmatic characteristics. This qualitative study adapted and applied Dr. Jay Belsky’s determinants of parenting model to inform a broader exploration of Early Care and Education Teachers (ECETs) practices. The RED study finds that the influence of ECET developmental histories and their related beliefs can be addressed through professional development and ongoing support. Future study should quantify model constructs in a larger sample and study their relationships over time.
Swindle, T., Patterson, Z., Boden, C. A Qualitative Application of the Belsky Model to Explore Early Care and Education Teachers’ Mealtime History, Beliefs, and Interactions. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
DFPM RED continues to be at the forefront of research-based work advocating for children in Arkansas and beyond. RED researchers work daily to study the factors that challenge and support children. RED research seeks, first, to understand and then to put understanding into usable practices that meet the needs of children across the state and the country. Here are just a few of RED’s recent publications… work that is truly making a difference.
- McKelvey, L. M., Conners Edge, N.A., Fitzgerald, S., Kraleti, S., & Whiteside-Mansell, L., (in press). Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences from Birth to Five: Examining Associations with Children’s Health. Families, Systems, Health.
- Swindle, T., Rutledge, J., Dix, B. & Whiteside-Mansell, L. (in press). Table Talk: Development of an Observational Tool to Characterize the Early Childcare Feeding Environment. Public Health Nutrition.
- McKelvey, L. M., Selig, J. P., & Whiteside-Mansell, L. (2017, In Press). Foundations for Screening Adverse Childhood Experiences: Exploring Patterns of Exposure through Infancy and Toddlerhood. Child Abuse and Neglect. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0145213417302284
- Swindle, T., Ward, W, & Whiteside-Mansell, L. (in press). Facebook: The Use of Social Media to Engage Parents in a Pre-school Obesity Prevention Curriculum. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
- Whiteside-Mansell, L. & Swindle, T. (in press). Together We Inspire Smart Eating: A Preschool WISE curriculum for obesity prevention in low-income families. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
- Swindle, T., Johnson, S.L., Whiteside-Mansell, L., & Curran, G. (2017). A mixed methods protocol for developing and testing implementation strategies for evidence-based obesity prevention in childcare: A cluster randomized hybrid type III trial. Implementation Science, 12:90 DOI: 10.1186/s13012-017-0624-6
New DFPM RED Research on “Table Talk”
A recent paper from DFPM RED (currently In Press) looks at the value of verbal feeding communications, or, “Table Talk” as a possible influencing
factor in children’s diets. The purpose of the paper is to present the development of the Table Talk observational tool to measure Early Care and Education Teachers (ECETs) verbal feeding communications.
The research introduces an observational tool to assess verbal communications at mealtime among 75 Head Start educators. The study evaluated both positive and supportive comments such as “Exploring Foods” as well as negative comments such as “Pressuring to Eat”. The study concluded that “Table Talk” may be a useful tool to assess ECETs’ verbal feeding communications with potential applications such as informing ECET training and assessing intervention efforts.
Swindle, T., Rutledge, J., Dix, B. & Whiteside-Mansell, L. (in press). Table Talk: Development of an Observational Tool to Characterize the Early Childcare Feeding Environment. Public Health Nutrition.