Here are this week’s Accolades, a roundup of some of the honors and accomplishments of College of Medicine and UAMS faculty, staff, residents, fellows and students I’ve heard about recently.
Well-Earned Retirement
This week, we are saying farewell to Dr. Richard Turnage as he retires after 17 years of exceptional service to the College of Medicine and UAMS in many key leadership roles. Dr. Turnage started here as Chair of the Department of Surgery in 2008-2016. He has served as Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Sciences in our college and, importantly, as Chair of the COM Admissions Committee. Dr. Turnage has also served UAMS in many senior clinical roles including Chief of the Medical Staff, Chief Service Line Officer, CEO of UAMS Medical Center and Vice Chancellor for Clinical Programs. Since 2021, he has served as Vice Chancellor for Regional Campuses.
Dr. Turnage has graciously taken on many other major leadership posts in times of transition – including Interim Dean in 2015 – and each time, he has helped to ensure the continuing success of our mission. I have been very fortunate to have Richard’s office next door to mine this past year, my first at UAMS. He has been a great resource for our college and for me personally.
COM team members are invited to a retirement reception for Dr. Turnage at 4:00 this afternoon in the Hospital Lobby Gallery. We’ll have a few remarks honoring Richard starting at 4:15. I hope you can join us.
Congratulations, Richard, on your very well-earned retirement!
National Leadership in Pediatrics Education
Dr. Sowmya Patil, Professor of Pediatrics and Section Chief of General Pediatrics, has been appointed Chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Committee on Pediatrics Education (COPE) for a four-year term starting in July. COPE functions as a think tank within the AAP for discussion, consensus building and collaboration with respect to emerging issues in pediatric medical education. Dr. Patil is a passionate educator and has served on COPE as an elected member from District VII for six years. She has held many roles as an educator, including her previous post as Course Director for Practice of Medicine II at UAMS. She also serves as a member of the education committee for the Arkansas Chapter of the AAP.
Keynote Talk Highlights Clinical Research Experiences
Dr. Analiz Rodriguez, Associate Professor, Director of Neurosurgical Oncology and Vice Chair of Research in the Department of Neurosurgery, was the plenary speaker at the 16th annual Focused Research and Inquiry Experience (FIRE) conference at the University of Central Florida College of Medicine last Friday. Dr. Rodriguez shared her insights on “Finding your Path in Clinical Research” with medical students and others at the conference, which celebrates medical student research. Her own path to becoming a highly regarded clinician-scientist started during her days as a M.D./Ph.D. student at Case Western Reserve University, where she earned her doctorate in pathology in 2008 and medical degree in 2009.
ACGME Board Appointment
Dr. Dale Blasier, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, has been appointed to the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Board of Appeals in Orthopaedic Surgery. Dr. Blasier will bring a wealth of experience to his six-year term on the board. At UAMS, he served as Program Director for the Orthopaedic Surgery Residency from 2003 to 2021, earning numerous honors including three awards for outstanding teaching in the department along with the college’s Residency Educator Award in 2018, Master Teacher Award in 2022, and several Red Sash Awards from medical students. At the national level, Dr. Blasier has served as an American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery Oral Board Examiner since 1996 and has held numerous previous academic leadership roles with the ACGME Resident Review Committee, the American Orthopaedic Association and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Student Tutoring Initiative Showcased at Conference
Fourth-year medical student Will Wilkins presented an overview of an initiative he is leading to help second-year students enhance their Step 1 exam performance at the Innovations in Medical Education online conference hosted by the University of Southern California this month. A volunteer tutor in the UAMS Educational and Student Success Center for the past two years, Will created the Student Teaching Network (STN) as a framework for providing M2s with earlier and more frequent exposure to Step 1-style questions. In addition to boosting their test-taking skills and confidence about the high-stakes exam, the STN aims to help the students serving as tutors to become better educators. Along with Will, the tutors include M4s Alleigh Stahman and Madie Richards and M3s Lauren Banko, Sadie Beeman, Dane Richey and Drew McFall. At the conference, Will shared preliminary data showing increased test confidence among the 48 initial M2 participants. Dr. Jasna Vuk, a learning specialist in the Student Success Center, was co-author on the poster.
Emergency Medicine Resident Elected to National Board
Second-year Emergency Medicine resident Dr. Yusuke Kishimoto has been elected as the first resident in the nation to serve on the Board of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine’s (SAEM) Academy of Emergency Ultrasound (AEUS). As Dr. Kishimoto contributes to the emergency ultrasound community at the national level, his efforts will also further advance UAMS’ national prominence in the subspecialty. At UAMS, Dr. Zachary Lewis serves as Chief of the Division of Emergency Ultrasound in the Department of Emergency Medicine, Dr. Jason Arthur serves as the Program Director for the Clinical Ultrasound Fellowship, and Dr. Dan Holleyman serves as the Assistant Program Director for the Clinical Ultrasound Fellowship. Dr. Lauren Evans serves as Emergency Medicine Residency Program Director.
Students Present Surgical Research
Second-year medical students Ryan Beallis, Anders Nowell and Brooklyn Ray did a great job presenting their research at the prestigious Academic Surgical Congress in Las Vegas this month. Ryan’s research focused on the impact of chronic anticoagulation on trauma patient bleeding profiles and bleeding progression. Anders presented on opioid administration in a surgical intensive care unit and the impact of persistent opioid use. Brooklyn’s research focused on outcomes of a preoperative optimization program for elective hernia surgeries. The students’ mentors included Department of Surgery faculty members Dr. Hanna Jensen, Dr. Joe Margolick and Dr. Kyle Kalkwarf, and former faculty member Dr. Kevin Sexton. Several other students and faculty members contributed to the research projects.
Dermatology Research Conference
The Department of Dermatology recently hosted the Southern Dermatology Consortium Annual Research Day, providing an opportunity for residents, medical students and faculty to discuss research and network with participants from other schools in the region. UAMS residents presenting talks included Dr. Madison Stokes and Dr. Jennifer Good, who won first place for her presentation, “Arkansas Medicaid: Dermatology Practitioners’ Perspectives of Dermatologic Medication Coverage Among Selected States.” M4 medical student Evan Hicks took home first place honors for student poster presentations for “Intralesional Candida Antigen Treatment of HPV lesions in Immunocompromised Patients: A Systematic Review.” M3 student Mary Phillips, M2 Alaina Baggett and M1 Nicki Hooten also presented posters.