The UAMS College of Medicine graduated its largest class ever on May 18, but not before honoring their accomplishments and sending them on their way with some sage advice from college leaders and faculty mentors.

“This is my charge to you,” said Matthew Quick, M.D., associate professor of pathology, who was selected by the Class of 2019 to deliver the keynote address from the faculty at Honors Convocation on the evening before the UAMS Commencement. “Keep it real, practice with passion, love your families and patients and stay true to yourself and your beliefs, and you will have the wonderful, fulfilling career in medicine that everyone in this room desires, hopes and prays that you will have.”

Quick encouraged graduating seniors to “be there” for their professional colleagues as well as patients and their own families. He said they will face tough decisions about fellowships, practice decisions and more, and that “sometimes it takes courage to try to align your career with your passions.” In a final pointer, he urged the class to “not let the newfound power of the long white coat” go to their head.
“Remember your roots,” Quick said. “I’m a nerd from Little Rock; that’s me, that’s my roots. Every day I go into work and try to learn something new. I try to be a little better doctor than the day before. Even then, when I retire I still will only know a sliver of what medicine encompasses. Be humble – or medicine will humble you.”

Christopher T. Westfall, M.D., UAMS executive vice chancellor and dean of the College of Medicine, challenged graduating seniors to consider what their patients will expect from them. He said that in his experience, there were three expectations: to have knowledge and embrace lifelong learning; to be worthy of patients’ trust; and to truly care about each patient.
“But here’s the interesting thing,” Westfall said. “These are not just obligations; they are also gifts. They are gifts from our profession to each of us.”

Westfall, an ophthalmologist, read a thank you note from a child he had once treated, a note that expressed joy in the stickers she had received from her “favorite doctor” as well as gratitude for “fixing” her eye. “For me, that’s what it’s all about,” Westfall said.
Leaders including UAMS Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., praised the class for a number of achievements. The class was the college’s largest ever with 163 graduates, surpassing the previous record of 160 in 2016. The class also had the largest number of members matching to medical residencies, with every student who wanted a position obtaining one.

Among many awards presented to students, a record 21 seniors received the Roberts Key for maintaining a perfect 4.0 grade point average for the full four years of medical school. Other awards recognized excellence in scholarship in specific areas of study, leadership, ethical standards, humanism and compassion.

Students, in turn, honored numerous faculty members and a resident for their teaching. Student-selected awards are listed below. Faculty members also were recognized with Chancellor’s Awards during the COM ceremony and at the UAMS Commencement Ceremony.
Golden Apple Awards
Selected as the most outstanding teacher of the year by a vote of each class
Senior – Sung Rhee, Ph.D., Pharmacology/Toxicology
Junior – Lindsey Sward, M.D., Obstetrics/Gynecology
Sophomore – Sung Rhee, Ph.D., Pharmacology/Toxicology
Freshman – Alan Diekman, Ph.D., Biochemistry/Molecular Biology

Gold Sash Awards
Selected by students in all four classes
Noor Akhter, Ph.D., Neurobiology/Developmental Sciences
Jason Chang, Ph.D., Neurobiology/Developmental Sciences
David Davies, Ph.D., Neurobiology/Developmental Sciences
Alan Diekman, Ph.D., Biochemistry/Molecular Biology
Hakan Paydak, M.D., Internal Medicine
Kevin Phelan, Ph.D., Neurobiology/Developmental Sciences
Matthew Quick, M.D., Pathology
Sung Rhee, Ph.D., Pharmacology/Toxicology
Lindsey Sward, M.D., Obstetrics/Gynecology
Red Sash Awards
Selected by the Class of 2019

Matthew Spond, M.D.
Biochemistry/Molecular Biology
Alan Diekman, Ph.D.
Emergency Medicine
Rachael Freeze-Ramsey, M.D.
Family Medicine
Scott Dickson, M.D. (UAMS-NE)
Priya Mendiratta, M.D.
Internal Medicine
Eric Del Giacco, M.D.
Nicholas Gowen, M.D.
John Henley, M.D. (UAMS-NW)
Carrie Hyde, M.D.
Steven McKee, M.D.
Hakan Paydak, M.D.
Juan Carlos Rico, M.D.
Michael Saccente, M.D.
Thomas Schulz, M.D. (UAMS-NW)
Sara Tariq, M.D.
Toby Vancil, M.D.

Neurobiology/Developmental Sciences
David Davies, Ph.D.
Neil Masangkay, M.D.
Lindsey Sward, M.D.
Paul Wendel, M.D.
Ahmed Sallam, M.D., Ph.D.
Otolaryngology-Head/Neck Surgery
Jennings Boyette, M.D.
Jerad Gardner, M.D.
Matthew Quick, M.D.
Sung Rhee, Ph.D.

Michael Angtuaco, M.D.
Katelyn Cushanick, M.D.
Eudice Fontenot, M.D.
Robert Pesek, M.D.
Vildan Tas, M.D.
Michelle Ransom, M.D.
John Spollen, M.D.
Avi Bhavaraju, M.D.
Janina Bonwich, M.D.
Ronda Henry-Tillman, M.D.
Jason Mizell, M.D.
Kevin Sexton, M.D.
J.R. Taylor, M.D.
Faculty members Assisting with Honors Convocation
Sung Rhee, Ph.D., Pharmacology/Toxicology
Sara Tariq, M.D., Internal Medicine
Stage Marshal
Sung Rhee, Ph.D., Pharmacology/Toxicology
Faculty Marshal
Alan Diekman, Ph.D., Biochemistry/Molecular Biology