Message from the Department Chair

Jennifer Laudadio, M.D., Professor and Department Chair
Thank you for visiting our website. In these pages, we hope that you will get a glimpse into our world-class department and training programs.
Our clinical footprint includes laboratories serving the Integrated Clinical Enterprise of the UAMS hospital and laboratories serving Arkansas Children’s Hospital. Some members of the Veterans Hospital of Little Rock also hold faculty appointments in our department. Our Clinical Pathology laboratories include a state-of-the-art molecular pathology section, excellent cytogenetics and microbiology, a very active transfusion medicine service, a fully automated section of clinical chemistry, a busy HLA section. The Anatomic Pathology sections boast a fully subspecialized sign-out system, where each and every case is seen by an expert, specialty trained pathologist or cytopathologist. Many of our pathologists have active second opinion consultation practices, where cases are sent from all over the world for review. Because of our regionally and nationally recognized Cancer Institute, our routine practice in both clinical and anatomic pathology include complex and challenging work in our subspecialty areas.
Our training program is a fantastic mid-sized residency program, with a total of 18 residents across the four years of training. We are proud of the fact that both anatomic and clinical pathology are equally strong in terms of education. Our residents do very well on the RISE examinations and have a 100% board pass rate. We have four ACGME accredited fellowship programs including hematopathology, cytopathology, forensic pathology and dermatopathology. In addition, we accept two non-ACGME surgical pathology fellows each year who function as junior attendings with excellent independent experiences in graduated responsibility.
The Division of Experimental Pathology is an exceptional group of physicians and scientists, who are engage in independent and collaborative research across several areas of interest. Our investigators are largely focused in areas of cancer biology, including tumor vaccine development and tumor-host interactions. We host two critical core facilities that serve the entire campus, the Biospecimen Repository and the Experimental Pathology Core.
We have many things to be proud of in the Department of Pathology, but the most important one is the wonderful culture of our team. We have one of the friendliest, most devoted and most engaged group I’ve ever seen. This culture truly makes Pathology at UAMS a wonderful place to work, to grow and to learn. We hope that you can see glimpses of that culture as you look through our website and perhaps even come to visit us in Little Rock.
Jennifer Laudadio, M.D.
Department Chair