Professor Lee Ann MacMillan Crow will begin serving as the GPIBS Track Director, effective December 1. She will become the contact person for the program and chair the GPIBS Advisory and Admission Committees, and work with the track directors as we continue to move this exceptional program forward. Dr. MacMillan Crow has served on countless dissertation/thesis committees and served as a major advisor to many Ph.D. students. She has served as graduate program director for the former Interdisciplinary Toxicology program and since the start of GPIBS has served as the track director for the Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Experimental Therapeutics (PTET) track. Professor Paul Prather will take over as the PTET Track Director. Dr. Prather has been involved with graduate education throughout his career here as well. He is currently the PI on the highly interdisciplinary SPaT T32 NIH training grant.