** Please read all the information provided on this website prior to booking appointments to make sure you have properly prepared for your appointment and e-mail the core with any questions.
Scheduling an Appointment
All appointment requests must be made through iLab. Email requests will not take the place of booking in iLab. You will receive a confirmation email once your request is approved by core personnel.
- iLab: To schedule appointments and view calendar please log-in to iLab. https://uams.ilab.agilent.com/service_center
You will use your UAMS credentials to log-in or register as an external user. Select the lab you wish to join, if you are not the PI. Once your PI has approved your request, you can schedule appointments. If the incorrect accounts numbers are present or missing, please contact the UAMS iLab administrator, Donte Stephens, in the COM research office.
- Appointments are made between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. It is recommended to schedule your appointment a week in advance to ensure the time you need is available. Do not prep your samples or begin your experiment until you have received a confirmation email via iLab or spoken with Andrea!
Flow appointments generally take about 2 minutes per sample to run the entire sample. If only a ~10,000 cells analysis is needed, then 30 seconds/sample is adequate. Add an additional 10-15 minutes to set-up compensation if running multi color flow.
Cell sorting typically takes 20-30 min per 10 million cells sorted. You will need to have an idea of cell number and sample number to estimate time needed.
- BD LSRFortessa – $63/hour with a minimum of 30 minutes, then15 minute increments.
- Cytek Aurora Cell sorting – $105/hour with a minimum of 30 minutes. Afterward, the time is charged in 15 minute increments
- BD Celesta (self-service)- $50/hour in 15 minute blocks
- Cytek Northern Lights- $63/hour minimum of 30 minutes, then 15 minute increments
- HM5 Hematology analyzer- $8/per sample
- Analysis- If you need additional data analysis time on the computer beyond your original appointment time, the regular data acquisition charges will apply. It is preferred that analysis is preformed by user and not core personnel.
- Consultation- There is no charge for consultation with flow facility personnel. However, we ask that you make an appointment for consultation so that you will not interrupt other customer appointments.
***Charges begin with the time of your appointment, not at the time that you arrive. Late arrivals create scheduling problems and can delay other customer appointments. If you are late, your samples will be finished as time permits, if time allows. You will be charged for time reserved, not just time used. There is no penalty for cancellation of appointments, as long as the cancellation is made 24 hours in advance. If not cancelled 24 hours in advance, you will be charged for the appointment time scheduled.
Please see our charging policies.