Best Practices for Flow Cytometry
Sample Prep Flow Cytometry (BD LSR Fortessa and BD Celesta)
Sorting Prep- Cytek Aurora CS
Safety Guidelines
The UAMS flow core is a multi-user facility where many different samples from various sources that contain unknown animal and human pathogens are analyzed and sorted. The safety of the staff and users of the facility is the ultimate concern.
1. No samples BSL 3(or higher) or radioactive samples or any kind will be allowed in the core facility.
2. All samples for analysis must be fixed prior to being submitted for flow cytometry analysis. There are several fixation procedures available on-line and there is also one listed on the flow core website.
3. Unfixed samples may be submitted for sorting but must be BSL1 or BSL2.
Upon submitting samples you agree that these guidelines have been met and notify personnel of any safety concerns associated with the samples. Failure to follow these procedures will result in no longer being able to use the core facility.