Education and Training
- Ph.D. Biophysical Sciences, 1998, University of Minnesota
- B.A. Biology/Music, 1991, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN
Research Interests
- Molecular and physiological mechanisms of radiation and thermal sensitization
- Modulation of tumor blood flow, angiogenesis and oxygenation
- Biology and physiology of thermal therapy
- Oxygen partial pressure as predictor of cancer treatment response
Clinical Research
- Interested in translational clinical studies to answer questions about the biological response of tumors to treatment with radiation or chemotherapy in order to move towards new standards of care
- Griffin RJ, Okajima K, Barrios B, Song CW: Mild temperature hyperthermia combined with carbogen breathing increases tumor pO2and radiosensitivity. Cancer Res, 56: 5590-5593, 1996.
- Dings RPMD, Heun H, Griffioen AW, Mayo KM, Griffin RJ: Scheduling of radiation with angiogenesis inhibitors Avastin and Anginex improves therapeutic outcome via vessel normalization. 13(11):3395-402, Clin Cancer Res, 2007.
- Upreti M, Jamshidi-Parsian A, Apana S, Berridge M, Fologea DA, Koonce NA, Henry RL, Griffin RJ: Radiation-induced galectin-1 by endothelial cells: a promising molecular target for preferential drug delivery to the tumor vasculature. Journal of Mol Med, Apr;91(4):497-506, 2013.
- Koonce, NA, Raleigh, J, Dings RPM, Griffin RJ: Targeting Artificial Tumor Stromal Targets for Molecular Imaging of Tumor Vascular Hypoxia. PLoS One, 10(8):e0135607, 2015. PMID: 26308944
- Koonce, NA, Dings RPM, Quick, Griffin RJ: Combination of gold nanoparticle-conjugated TNF-a and radiation therapy results in a synergistic anti-tumor response. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 93(3):588-96, 2015. PMID: 26461001
More information on Dr. Griffin’s Lab and Lab research.