The Department of Anesthesiology’s 28th Annual Residents’ Day was its first in-person event since the COVID pandemic, and it was a huge success. It was attended by anesthesia residents and faculty.
The guest speaker was visiting professor Jed Wolpaw, M.D., M.Ed., associate professor of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. His talk was “What Should Training Look Like for Today’s Adult Learners?” Dr. Wolpaw is also the creator of Anesthesia and Critical Care Reviews and Commentary (ACCRAC) podcast, which is used by our residents.
CA-2 residents presented team Quality Improvement projects (listed below). The First Place prize went to the team of Sam Winegar, with Second Place going to Ahmed Abouarab. Best poster went to Sarah Palmer.
The winner will be sponsored to present at the Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference next year.
See more pictures of the event.


- “Optimizing Depth of Anesthesia Monitoring Using BIS Monitors: A Quality Improvement Project”
Ahmed Abouarab, M.D., Mentors: Drs. Abdelnaem and Chakraborty - “Assessment of Labor Epidural Analgesia: A Quality Improvement Project”
Cash Arcement, M.D., Mentor: Dr. El Sharawi - “Team Leader Status Board”
Jonathan Bauer, M.D., Mentor: Dr. Stewart - “Frailty Scoring in Elective Surgeries in Senior Patients: An Observational Study”
Raven Bryant, M.D., Mentor: Dr. Khan - “Improving PONV Prophylaxis”
Scott Smith, M.D., Mentor: Dr. Salem - “Improving ASA Physical Status Classification”
Samuel Winegar, M.D., Mentor: Dr. Stewart - “Enhancing Patient Positioning for Neuraxial Anesthesia with a Visual Aid”
Grant Chambers, M.D., Mentor: Dr. Aronson - “Thoracic Epidural Assessment for Optimal Post-operative Analgesia”
Ashley Elser, M.D., Mentor: Dr. Spond - “UAMS Chest Protocol for Blunt Force Thoracic Trauma”
Duy Ha, M.D., Mentor: Dr. Muller - “Epidural Education for Spanish-Speaking Obstetric Patients: Increasing Willingness for Labor Analgesia”
Sarah Palmer, M.D., Mentor: Dr. Kahn - “Early Use of Mechanical Circulatory Support with Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring to Improve Outcomes in Patients with Cardiogenic Shock at UAMS & Review of the Detroit Cardiogenic Shock Initiative”
Krishnal Sail, M.D., Mentor: Dr. Rumpel - “An Evidence-based Educational Intervention for Basic Examination Pharmacology Preparation”
Matthew Shelton, M.D., Mentor: Dr. Lide - “PACU AVS Summary”
Mahesh Yarlagadda, M.D., Mentor: Dr. Tingle - “QI Initiative to Reduce Intraoperative Drug Errors and Increase Provider Confidence With Implementation of Readily Accessible Standardized Drug Charts”
Christof Zaayman, M.D., Mentor: Dr. Blankenship