Stud Health Technology Informatics. 2018;249:38-49 Blobel B, Brochhausen, Ruotsalainen P. Abstract Complex ecosystems like the pHealth one combine different domains represented by a huge variety of different actors (human beings, organizations, devices, applications, components) belonging to different policy domains, coming from different disciplines, deploying different methodologies, terminologies, and ontologies, offering different levels of knowledge, skills, […]
Biomedical Ontologies Arkansas (BOAR)
Under the direction of Dr. Mathias Brochhausen, the Biomedical Ontologies Arkansas (BOAR) mission is to improve the gathering, managing, transforming and sharing of biomedical data. Biomedical Data is data created to better understand health, disease, and their biological foundations. Biomedical Ontologies are integral in integrating and interpreting the biomedical data.